This must be... heaven.

110 7 9


I slowly opened my eyes; my vision blurred in and out. It was dark...

'Am I dead?...' My mind tried to ask but was disrupted by a sharp pain that shot thru my leg.

*GASP!* "CRAP! I'm bleeding!" Blood seeped out of a huge gash on my right thigh. I winced as I began to put pressure on it with my hand. At that moment I looked around and saw that my car was totaled; everything was shattered and bent unnaturally. I had been in a car accident. I lay back on my seat remembering that an oncoming car got on my lane, and thankfully I veered out of its way but crashed head-on into a tree in a trench. Thankfully the air bag had gone off and prevented my death but didn't save me from passing out, much less prevent a piece of glass from opening my leg up. As I looked over the now deflated punching bag, I could see the tree ahead of me and close to it was a lake. It looked eerie yet calm but I blamed my trauma for making me feel that way about it. After a few minutes of trying to maintain blood from escaping my body, I realized that it would be better if I was out of the car incase a fire broke out.

"Don't wanna be blown to bits now." I scoffed while I pushed the door as hard as I could and fell onto the ground. I felt weak and woozy from loosing blood. I needed to get help but with the way my car was how could I find my cell phone? It was the middle of the night and very few cars passed through the freeway, there was no way anyone would stop for me. I got up with whatever strength I had left and went to the odd tree my car rammed itself into. It was small and thin... how could the car not have damaged it?

'Weird...' A strong dizzy spell overcame me and I collapsed on the floor. I completely blacked out.


"Oh...." I groaned as I felt the bright sun go through my eye lids. I could barely open my eyes, let alone get up. After a few minutes of waking up, I sat up, opened my eyes completely and my jaw dropped in complete awe.

'I must be dead.' Remembering what had just happened to me, my wide eyes were astonished at the long, open field in front of me and at a distance I could see a city surrounded by a forest. It all looked so surreal, like a painting or a colored drawing. I then looked down at my leg and the gash was gone.

'How?' All my clothes, everything of me was fine. I even felt lighter... 'Did I lose weight? What the...' I looked behind me to see if my car was ok too... but it was gone. Behind me was a forest and the funny looking tree from the night before, or at least I assumed that it was it. The scenery had changed dramatically that all I could think, all I could say was...

"Where the hell am I!?"

I decided to set out towards the city, following something that looked like a dirt road, hoping to find someone that could tell me where the heck I was. Everything just looked so strange, so different. I kept wondering how it was that I got there if I had just collapsed from bleeding so much after my car accident, which happened in between a disappeared freeway and a vanished lake. After about two hours, I assumed, the sun was high in the sky, probably noon-ish I guessed. I didn't have a watch or my cell phone so I was stuck walking my butt all the way to the city.

"Heh! I'll probably lose a couple pounds once I arrive." I kept walking and more trees seemed to appear. A forest started to form in front of me as I continued my path. I didn't like the looks of it but I kept going since the sun was still out. (No harm in that, right?) Another hour passed, and I noticed that the trees were bigger than they looked from the distance I had seen them and actually covered a lot of the sun out.

The forest grew darker and denser the deeper I went. It felt like a maze of some sort... A feeling of panic began to stir within me and forced me to walk faster. I kept hearing noises of, I believed, wild animals roaming around and I only hoped that I would get to the city soon... but unfortunately, I couldn't see it anymore.

I lost track of time and felt exhausted, so I stopped. My back leaned against against a huge, oddly shaped tree and let myself slide down into a sitting position.

'Weird...' I looked up to see how high it was.

**Splat!** A huge drop of liquid fell right on my face.

"UGH!" I wiped my face off and hoped it wasn't what I though it was but then realized it wasn't because it started pouring rain all around me. 'Those are some huge drops!' The rain was cold and fell with great force. I hugged myself and tried to keep warm. In a matter of seconds, I was drenched and felt like I got colder and weaker. I pushed myself up and tried walking it off... Nope! Wasn't working, so I started jogging... then running. I could feel my blood pumping and heating my body up but it was still freezing cold. A strange distant sound caught my attention - something growled and roar behind me.

"OH CRAP!" I looked back and saw a huge cat-like creature chasing me... and it was getting closer. I ran like hell after I saw it but I started feeling tired as physical fitness is not my strong point. My legs started slowing down and in the moment of knowing I was going to be cat food I screamed my lungs out before collapsing onto the ground. I rolled onto my back and watched in horror as the cat creature jumped at me and.... GUESS WHAT!

I passed out.


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