This must be... a nightmare.

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A glimmer of light shined through the opening slits of my eyes. I groaned a bit and turned around to my side but unfortunately that little ray of light had already triggered my eyes to open more and so, I awoke. I looked in front of me, as I lay still on the bed, and there was the white curtain... I was still in the hospital. I rubbed my eyes, faced the ceiling and pushed myself up.

'Why the hell don't I wake up!?' I couldn't help but wonder. I shook my head in disappointment but then an idea came to my head... 'Maybe I just need to go along with it... let my dream play out without disruption... or make it go the way I want it to.' I grinned in excitement. I've never been able to control my dreams before and so, it seems I can finally do that... I guessed. So, I plopped my feet on the cold floor, shivered for a bit but stretched my arms out. As I took a step to stretch my legs, the sheet I had been covered with on the bed just happened to have wrapped itself on my legs and down to the floor I went.
"Ugh..." I groaned a bit but got up with a hurt pride more than a hurt body. As I dusted myself off...

"Hmm... I wonder where my clothes are?" I noted that I wore a simple hospital gown, tinted a light blue, which looked more like a long shirt than anything. I scratched my head as I looked around the room in search of my clothes but found nothing. I immediately checked myself for undergarments...

'Yep, still got my undies on. Phew! Whoever changed me was nice enough to not degrade their eyes with my monstrosity of a body... Well, in this dream I seem to have a better body than in real life so, whatever.' My thoughts made me giggle as I walked to the door, but as I was about to pull the handle the door automatically opened and... *BAM!!* I was on the floor again... 'Strike two!' I looked up to see a confused Naruto - he seemed to be looking for something... someone... obviously me. 'Did he not feel that he knocked me down!? Well... that's typical oblivious Naruto for ya.' I thought. He finally saw me on the ground and looked at me funny.

"Anata wa soko ni nani o shite iru no ka?" (What are you doing down there?) He seemed to have asked me something but I took the opportunity to glare at him for forgetting that I couldn't understand him. He backed away a little scared... at least he can understand my expressions!

'Dummy...' He set aside some stuff he had been holding and helped me up. I looked up at him realizing how short I was... 'and he's how old? Sixteen in Shippuden? DAMN!' Though he did look a few years older than that at the moment (I'm 5'2" by the way). He quickly grabbed the stuff he had set aside and handed it to me. 'Clothes. I guess they're for me... I'm also guessing he knows what happened to MY clothes. Too bad I can't ask him.'

"Arigatou... Gozaimasu." I smiled kindly and he smiled back... and stood there... for a minute or so.
*AHEM!* I grunted and glared at him and back at the clothes. He looked at me confused as usual. I had to do it a couple times before he understood. 'GET OUT!! I HAVE TO CHANGE!'

"Sumimasen!" (Sorry!) He giggled nervously. Once he was out and closed the door, I removed the poor excuse for a hospital gown and put on the clothes and shoes Naruto had given me. It was a long, light yellow shirt... 'Ha! I just went from one long shirt to another!', some long, black biking kind of shorts that went down to right above the knees, some black shoes that all the ninjas seem to wear - though mine had two and a half inch heels and a large, sagging opening for some odd reason - and last but not least! A blue hoodie with elbow length sleeves. I didn't look too bad but I didn't exactly look good either. There wasn't a mirror around to be able to see myself so, I shrugged and went to see if he was still waiting outside. I stopped in front of the door and hesitated to open it at the thought of having my face or butt meet the floor again. So, I shook the handle and stepped back for a few seconds. I sighed at my own stupidity and opened the door... *BAM!* I tripped on myself.

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