chapter one

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Tarley smiled as he chased his brothers through the castle and as they made their way to the training grounds. Today their lessons with their mother in high valryin ended and so it was time for their sword practice. His father had a made a huge deal of them training with their swords that all three of them wanted to do this for him. Tarley, at the age of ten and two trained along side his a brothers. Occsionally, the knight wanted them to train with Aegon and Aemond but due to their odd numbers it was rare.

They arrivied to the training grounds out of breath but full of smiles and they readied themselves. Today, they would just train with each other. Jacaerys and Lucerys would train together due to their year difference of being seven and six. Tarley would train with Ser Criston Cole, who was kinder to him compared to his brothers. He remembers hearing whispers of the servents talking about the scorn knight who has sullied his cape and he wonders what exactly they were talking about.

(he made it his business to always know the gossips around the red keep, to keep his brothers safe from scandals)

Tarley postioned himself and waited for the knight to make the first move. They always started with a demonstration so that his brothers would copy them, today was no different. Tarley prepered his defenses and held his ground, attacking when nedded. He also never truly lasted as long as he wanted. More often then not he would end the demonstration with his back on the ground and the knight pointing the sword at him.

"Got it?" the knight told the two boys.

They nodded and started. The knight helped the younger boy up and he dusted himself.

"You're getting better," he told him.

Tarley hummed, feeling the tips of his ears getting hot. "Thank you Ser Criston," he whispered softly.

He once more got into position and this time started on the offence. They kept going for an hour and walked away after thanking the knight. Their bodies ached and they smelled. Training with Ser Criston was always the last thing on his list. He walked his brothers to the dragons pit and ruffled their hair.

"You can come with us Tar," Lucerys told him as he held onto his hand.

"We won't tell muna and kepa," Jacaerys said.

"I do not have a dragon," he replied easily.

And it was true. His father had told him that his egg did not hatch in his craddle but that perhaps somewhere out in the world there was a dragon for him to claim.

"Neither does Aemond!" protested Lucerys.

He said as easily as a fact and Tarley winced, greatful that the younger boy in question wasn't here for this,

"Father doesn't want me here," he told them. "It is alright. I will see you guys at home."

He watched as Lucerys pouted and Jacaerys nodded at him. He made sure they had walked in before going to the kitchens and asking the maids for his usual favor as well as asking for them to draw him a bath. He had about an hour maybe two, before their lessons was over and he was excited.


He stared at his father as they walked around the castle. Soon enough they were in a library and his father grabbed a book. His father helped him perfect his high valyrian, wanting his son to be fluent. The young boy could tell that if he were to sit the cakes in his pockets would break and crumbs would be found in them when the servants were to wash them. He always panicked when it came to the servants taking care of him, the way that they take care of his brothers. He was not a prince, he wasn't a lord yet. He would not become lord until both his grandsire and father passed, and he knew it would be a long time till then anyways.

He read passages from the books and then translated them into high valyrian, and the hour quickly passed. His father messed with the younger boys hair and kissed the top of his head as he made his way out. The younger boy making his father promise to spend time with his brothers and the man agreed, closing the door behind him. Tarley grabbed the book, telling the maester he would bring it back after dinner and ran through the halls.

He ambushed Aemond and dragged him under the Godswood tree. His favorite spot in the whole place.

"Here," he told the blonde boy. "Lemon cake."

Aemond smiled at him softly. "You always bring me one after my lessons."

Tarley nodded before placing his book on the floor.

"Eat," he said. "We have hours before dinner."

Aemond nodded and bit into his cake, a smile on his face as he ate. Tarley read through his book as they watched the sun set and were called in for dinner by the servents. The pair said their goodbyes, their hands grazing each other.

AUTHORS NOTE: word count 834 (a little on the short side).

whoopwhoop !! chapter one is up ! the first two chapters are me building up tarley and his relationships kinda of? mm not sure how to explain it.

nonetheless, this boy is so special to me i love him so much.

hope u enjoyed the chapter! new chapter next week :p

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