chapter two

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The day was long. He had been awoken by the servants telling him that his mother had started her labors (he could also hear her) and that he should steer free from her rooms. Tarley, agreed, not wanting to cause his mother any further stress. He quickly dismissed the servant, telling her that he would wake his brothers for their lessons and she nodded.

It took him a while to actually wake them. Jacaerys was always easy to wake. The boy always had a love for the mornings. Lucerys was a different story. Perhaps it was the fact that the boy was just six but, he always grumbled and moved away.

Jacaerys giggled at his younger brother's antics and Tarley sighed.

"Lucearys, get up," he repeated.

Lucerys grumbled out.

"What if you threw water on him?" Jacaerys asked.

"Highly tempting," he replied.

Tarley pulled the covers away from Lucerys and he heard the boy whine.

"Jiōragon bē Lucearys."

Lucerys got up soon after that, the boy rubbed his eyes and glared at Tarley and Jacaerys.

"You guys suck," he whines.

"Mother started her labors," Tarley tells him. "We ought to be on our best behavior today."


"Father says you picked my egg Tarley," Jacaerys speaks as they walk toward the dragon pit.

"Mm, I suppose I did," he replied.

Ser Harwin was behind the trio, making sure that the boys didn't get in trouble. Or hurt by the dragons.

"I was merely one," he continues. "Pretty sure I babbled and was pointing to an egg and Father said that was that."

Jacaerys and Lucerys laughed at that.

"Did Jace pick my egg Tar?" Lucerys asked excitedly.

"That he did," he answered. "Just like me he babbled and Father and I grabbed the egg."

Traditions were important.

"So," Jacaerys said as they reached the dragon eggs. "You get to pick an egg Luke."

The younger boy beamed and ran towards the eggs carefully and stood over them for a moment as he mulled over the decision.

"Ziry iksos acting hae lo bisa iksos glaeson nykeā morghon." Jacaerys whispered.

"Naejot byka Luke ziry iksos." Tarley whispered back.

On their way back to their mother's chambers, Tarley hears whispers of Rhaenyra having gone to see the queen right after her labors. He frowned at the thought, for what could the queen want right after his mother had given birth? He turned to look at Ser Harwin and before he could ask a question the knight shook his head. Silencing him before he could even speak.

When they showed up to their mother's room it was empty. They waited for her and held quiet conversations as the minutes passed. When Ser Harwin stood, Tarley's head lifted quickly as he saw their mother stumble into the room.

"Mother!" they said gently as they stood as well.

The three brothers walked over to where they kept the egg and Tarley lifted the lid up.

"We picked an egg for the baby," Lucerys said.

Rhaenyra, struggling to sit looks over at the egg and smiles softly at her boys. "That looks like the perfect one."

"We let Lucerys choose," Jacaerys said.

Lucerys thanked his brothers quietly and Tarley ruffled his hair. Tarley had a keen eye, something he was always proud of, he noticed the glances between his mother and Ser Harwin.

"It is not every day a dragon egg leaves the pit," Harwin said. "I thought it was best for me to escort the lads."

"Laenor and I thank you, commander," Rhaenyra said.

Tarley turned his attention back to his brothers, covering the dragon egg so it could stay warm. He whispered against the top of their heads about what their schedule was like afterward, preparing them.

It was his duty after all, as their older brother.

He could hear their father whispering to their new brother and he looked up at him, taking note of the soft gaze in his eyes.

"Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffery," Rhaenyra said softly.

"Father," Lucerys says softly. "I wish to hold Joffery too."

Lucerys started to crowd Ser Harwin as he wanted to see his newest brother, Jacaerys as well. Tarley couldn't help but chuckle softly as both his father and he moved to let the knight have his space. Their father guided them out of the room and both Jacaerys and Lucerys had a pout on their face as they were closed out of the room.

"You two," Laenor said as he walked with his sons. "Have to go back to the dragon pit."

"What about brother?" Jaceaerys asked.

"I have high valryin lessons with the maesters," Tarley tells them.

Both boys whine as they look at Laenor.

"Why can't brother join us at the dragon pit?" Lucerys asks.

"He-" he starts.

"I have no dragon," Tarley says as if it's as simple as that.

He can see his brothers about to start to argue again but Tarley shook his head, silencing them. Father never told him the real reason as to why he couldn't be in the dragon pit and Tarley never questioned him.

"Off you two go," Tarley says softly.

He watches his brothers run towards the dragon's pit. His father was next to him, his hand on his shoulder.


"I know father," he said. "It is alright."

Laenor always apologized, always strings of a rushed I'm sorry as if it were his fault he didn't have a dragon. Tarley smiled up at him and excused himself as he went to his lessons. 

AUTHORS NOTE:  word count 906

translations -- 

Ziry iksos acting hae lo bisa iksos glaeson nykeā morghon -- he's acting as if this is life or death

Naejot byka Luke ziry iksos -- to little luke it is

whompwhomp welcome to the canon lore! this was supposed to originally be chapter three but i absolutely hated the second chapter i wrote so i just... deleted it and decided to use this one. which honestly is fine, i feel like this fits better. 

i dont have a lot written out, only on chapter four of act one but i'm getting there! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

kisses and see you next week! 

the great warOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora