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I woke up at 6 pm, however I felt cold. It was until 7 that I realized that I was in the hospital, apparently I was being treated for minor injuries in the head and major blood loss.

''Nice to see you're up'' a nurse said,'' let's see seven stitches in the forehead, minor bruises in the abdomen, blood loss, I take it you were in a fight.''

''You got all that just for reading what I was being treated for,'' I said

''Not really, you look like you've had the shit beaten out of you.'' She responded. ''Yeah, trust me I've better days''

''I doubt it, you have a black eye.''She seemed to have a response for all my comebacks. From the looks of  it, she like at least 19 maybe 20.

''Anyway, you have to take this pain killer to numb the pain, and once you wake up, or if you wnat to right now, you may call someone to pick you up.''

''What, that's it no overnight or anything'' I responded, being surprised that my injuries weren't critical.'' You didn't call my mom or anything''

'' Kid, I'm just an intern here, okay. If you have any questions, hold them till you get home.''

Once I took the medicine, which didn't taste so good, I started to feel drowsy. Eventually, my eyelids felt heavy, and I couldn't feel anything. I started to dream, dream of a familiar place. '' Natural Oaks Elementary.'' I mumbled. An image of a large kid, no less than 6, being picked on by 5th graders. And a small kid wearing a cape, looking at the poor kid, crying. ''Hey kid, aren't you gonna do anything?'' I screamed. The small kid started to run as fast as he could, screaming to leave the large kid alone. Soon a fight broke out between 5th graders and one 6 year-old. ''Thanks for helping me,'' said the large kid, crying.''My name is Jason''

''Nice to meet you my name is Alex'' said the small kid, standing proudly as if he were Superman.

''So that's how we met.'' I said.

Soon, another image came, but this one I didn't want to remember. I saw a teen, starting his first day of high school tommorrow. He went to sleep around 10, but awoke later at the sound of glass breaking. When he went down to see what was happening, he saw his dad, fighting with a man holding a gun. '' No, I don't want this, I can't. NO.'' I screamed, I knew what would happen next.  Soon the teen's father was on the floor, and the man shot him in cold blood, not caring if the child saw his own father shot. Soon the man slapped the kid across the face, leaving him on the floor. When he woke up in the morning he was next to his dad, who was now dead, shot repeatedly in the head and chest. Soon, I broke down crying, I didn't want to see this again. To see my father killed, to see him taken from me. Mom took this hard. I did too. We all did.

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