Mind Trap

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I plunged the shard deeper in my arm.

It didn't hurt. I took more time to study my surroundings. It all felt... Different.

I plunged the shard one more time, this time into my chest. I let out one grunt, but not in pain but in effort. I felt no pain, blood just came out. Normally, I would have died from the loss of blood. None of this was real.

I sighed in relief. None of it was real, including the part with Allison. Can you blame me for being happy about it?

I didn't what was happening, but I wanted to get out. I looked down at the floor and saw where I smashed the tile. I dropped to my knees and started punching the floor, cracking more and more tiles. I surprised by my own strength.

I started screaming. "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!"

Each plea got more and more desperate. I grabbed a chair and threw it into the darkness surrounding what little room was lit by the sole light bulb. I grabbed more stuff and threw it around. One more time. I let out a desperate scream. "LET ME OUT!!!"

A sudden feeling came over me. It felt like a monster hangover, a headache, and the bursting of my ear drums all together. I heard voices. The most prominent voice was Donovan's.

"What's going on here?!?!" He urged someone to tell him. His voice... It wasn't in the room, it was coming from the room. It felt like his voice was everywhere.

Or maybe it's in my head. Maybe all of this is in my head.

"Somebody keep his mind trapped. Proceed with more hallucinogens if you need, JUST KEEP HIM DOWN!"

Hallucinogens?!? They're drugging me. But they need more. WILLPOWER! Whatever they're injecting into me, it's weak enough for me to fight it!

I started smashing more stuff, and with every smash, the vision became more blurry. My headache got worse, at this point it felt like I was being plagued by high frequency sound waves. I felt like my head was ready to burst.

The vision was smashed. I felt nothing, maybe this was what death felt like.

Sheer emptiness, cold and lonely. Nothing new to me. But I'm not gonna let Donovan do this, nor get away with what his doing.

I felt something. My whole body did.


Back when I took karate lessons, I also took swimming lessons, and I knew I was submerged in water. Ice cold water.

I opened my eyes, the water didn't disturb my eyes at all, probably saline-based. Green, clear, and cold. I was connected to some kinda some respirator that was feeding me some gas. Maybe this was the hallucinogen Donovan mentioned.

My entire vision of the room was green, but I could see someone in the room, studying what appeared to be my vitals.

He's back was turned to me, I could sneak up behind him if it weren't for the glass between us. I inspected the glass, it seemed weak enough to be shattered if I had something sharp.

I removed the respirator from my face and used the nozzle to crack the glass. It wasn't big, but I kept smashing at it, eventually it grew larger.

The scientist in the room turned to me and was surprised to see I was awake, and even more surprised that I cracked the glass. The weakened glass was no match for the water's pressure inside, suddenly the entire tube I was in ruptured and the water flooded the room.

I fell down on my knees, a shard cutting deep into my thigh and another in chest. I was cold, at first I didn't realize it but I was stripped down to nothing but my black boxers.

I didn't want to think what they probably did to me while I was out, it might be best if I didn't know for my sake. I turned to see the scientist, see if I could get some answers out of him. But when I turned he was knocked out, it was only seconds later before I saw blood coming from a gash in his neck, probably from when the glass ruptured.

Without him, looks like I would have to find answers the hard way. I took his ID badge and accessed the computer in the room. It was a buggy from the water spilling on it, but it still worked.

Using this guy's clearance, I was able to download a layout of the entire island and see where I'm supposed to go to take down Donovan.

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