A Heartfelt Conversation

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Chapter 13: A Heartfelt Conversation

Isabella's heart was aflutter with a mixture of excitement and nervousness after agreeing to meet Lucas's parents. As she sat in her apartment, her sketchbook open on her lap, she decided to share the news with her sister, Emily.

"Emily, I have something to tell you," Isabella began, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Emily looked up from her book, her expression curious. "What is it?"

Isabella's smile couldn't be contained as she shared Lucas's request and his promise to be honest with his parents about their relationship.

Emily's eyes lit up with delight. "Isabella, that's wonderful! It sounds like Lucas is really serious about you."

Isabella nodded, a mixture of happiness and uncertainty in her gaze. "I think he is. But meeting his parents is a big step."

Emily reached over and placed a comforting hand on Isabella's shoulder. "You know, Isabella, you've faced challenges before, and you've come out stronger. This is just another chapter in your story."

Isabella took a deep breath, a sense of reassurance washing over her. "You're right. I need to believe in us and what we've built together."

As they continued to talk, Isabella's apprehension began to ease, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and excitement for the future

To be continued...


Duh duh duhhhhh duh duh duhhh
So what do yoh think will happen next? Will Luca's parents will like her or be against their relationship?

Lemme know...
Ik this chapter is short✍️


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