A nightmare

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Harper it's time for your bar routine! Good luck! Thanks! Right now Harper on bars from high school 'star academy.' Harp you can do this! That was a beautiful routine from Harper she got a 9.1! But her landing could be better! Is that enough for the first place? Harper you did great! Viv can you come? What's wrong? My ankle hurts! Can you do your floor routine? Yes but I can't do the double salto layout with a half-twist (180°)! Then don't do it! Okay! Right now is the last change for the Hollywood academy to make sure they are first! That was amazing from Christina! She got a 9.5! That means that Harper from high school 'star academy' needs to get a 9.8 or higher to get the first place! Harper you can do that! I need to do the double salto layout with a half-twist (180°)! Harper don't do it! I need to! Right now it's the last routine from the competition! Harper from high school 'star academy' is going to do her best event floor! I have heard that she is gonna show us something new! But right now she is gonna start! Good luck! That was a perfect double back Arabian! If she keeps this going she will get a 9.8 or maybe higher! Harper don't do it! Right now she is gonna show us something new! That has never done in her age category! That was again perfect! She can be proud that she did a double salto layout with a half-twist (180°)! Ivy she isn't okay! What's wrong? She hurt her ankle during her bar landing! But how did she landed that perfect? She is in a lot of pain I think! She only needs to finish her routine with a double back tuck! Again a perfect landing! But it seems that she hurt her foot! Oh no! First aid help to the floor right now! Ivy I'm going! Harper are you okay? No get my mom please! Everybody stay calm please! The Judges are discussing the score! Sweetie are you okay? No I think it's broken! Just listen the first aid persons! The judges have the score... Because Harper did a Perfect double back Arabian and after that a perfect double salto layout with a half-twist (180°) that has never done by somebody that young The judges gave her a Perfect 10! That means that because off Harper high school 'star academy' has won! At 4 is the award ceremony! Harper we won! Yes! Hi Harper we are gonna move you to the medical room! I'm Michael and that is my colleague her name is Meredith! Where does it hurt? My ankle and my knee. I'm gonna press on your knees say yes if it's hurts! Alright! Yes! Sorry now the same but on your ankle! Okay! Yes! Sorry! I'm sorry but I need to call a ambulance! But now I will talk to the originators if the award ceremony can be right now! Here you have a wheel chair! Thanks! Everyone the award ceremony is gonna start right now! So please come! Need some help? Yes please! Thanks Viv! We won because of you! No Vienna we all did our best! Harper you got two times a 10! I can't believe it! First I will say the group award ceremony! On the 3th place is New York academy! 2th place is Hollywood academy! And on the first-place is high school 'star academy!' Congratulation everyone! You three are going to the world championship! Harp omg! We are going to the world championship! I can't believe it! Same! Now we also have a individual award ceremony on the third place Izzy from Hollywood academy! Second place Vera from New York academy! And first place Harper from high school Star academy! omg Harper! I will help you! Thanks Viv! Harper the ambulance is here! Great. It's gonna be okay! Hi Michael. Congratulation! Thanks. The ambulance will take it over from me right now! Thanks for helping me! Hi Harper I'm Juliet and that is Harry! Is that your mom? Yes! We are going to the hospital. But congratulation with your win! Thanks! I'm gonna give you some pain killers and after that I'm gonna run some test until we drive to the hospital. Alright! Mom can you call grandma? I don't want her to be scared! Okay I will call her! Thanks mom! Ouch! Sorry Harper! I'm done with the test! Great. I did gymnastic when I was younger! Fun why did you stop? I became a teen and thought gymnastic wasn't cool so I quit but now I would love to get back to the gym! You can come over sometime! I would love to! Here is my number! Thanks! Juliet is my ankle broken? Sorry Harper but I think so. We are at the hospital so the doctors are gonna take it over from me! Thanks for helping me! I will call you! Alright! Hi Harper I'm Mila I'm your nurse. Hi I'm Valerie Harpers mom! Nice to meet you! Harper I will betaking you for a X-ray for your foot and knee. Why my Knee? We think during you fell you also hurt your knee. But you didn't feel that! Valerie would you mind waiting in the waiting room? No not at all! Mom call James! Alright! So Harper I'm gonna position your feet in different position same with your knee! Okay. We are done with the X-ray! The doctor will tell you de results in a a bit. I will help you to get to your mom! Thanks mila! Hi babe! Hi honey how are you? In pain... Harpie you won! I know Hazel! Hi Harper! Dad what are you doing here? Seeing how you are doing! James can you take Holly and Hazel to the play area? Yes! Thanks! Dad why are you here? Sweetie calm down! I know you are upset that you didn't win! I won! Where is your medal then? Vienna has them! And don't call me sweetie! What is Alice doing here? We were on the way to a restaurant! So we thought see how you are doing! Dad go! Harper didn't you learn to talk with respect? Alice you are not my mom so shut the fuck up! Harper I have the results! Alright! Please follow me into my office! Hi I'm George! I'm Valerie. Can my mom and come with me? Yes of course! So you your ankle is broken but for that you only need a cast! Great! How long do I need to be in the cast? I think about 8 weeks. 2 months!? Yes but your knee you have a alc injury.. But how I didn't feel anything! So your ankle hurt so much that you just didn't feel your knee! But I'm young normally elder people get this injury? Because your train so much makes that your knee stronger but at the same time is your knee less strong so if you land wrong two times your knee can't handle that. But I'm sorry but you gotta need surgery for your knee.Oh now long is the recovery? 8+ months... Oh but I'm going to the World championship. I'm sorry but I think you can't compete... The World championship are in a year! So George I think I can compete! Harper calm down! No mom! But now we gotta run some test! I did that already in the ambulance! Just some other test! Sorry George I'm irritated there are a lot a things going on. We can do the test tomorrow! Great! Mila will help you to your room! See you tomorrow!

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