A big dream

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Good morning! Hey Harp! I have heard the plan with Paris! So if you can come to my house today? Sure I will talk about it with Hugo! Great! Viv our birthday is in one month! Yes! Our sweet sixteen! We gotta plan our party! Yes tonight? Yes! Thanks for driving Elizabeth! Your welcome girls! Have fun! Bye mom! Harper how are you gonna get home? Hugo is gonna pick me up! Great! Morning girls! Welcome back Harper! Thanks coach! Hey Ivy! Hey girls! Welcome back girl! Thanks! Girls come! So we are gonna train on bars. Everybody go get warm! Harper can I talk to you? Sure! So we are gonna need you in the World Championship! Do you think you can do that? I think so! Great I want you to make your own training schedule so you don't have to be at every training! Alright thanks coach! And also do you think that the little girls are ready for saturday? I think so! Great! Please go make your own training schedule! Alright thanks coach! I will also work for the competition saturday so I will be in your office! Alright great! Coach where is Harper? In my office doing some work. But I don't understand why? Vienna go train now! NO all I ask is why Harper isn't training! Mind your own business! Ugh! Viv just get over it! Ivy don't get yourself into this! Vienna why are you being so mean! Girls shut up and train! It's your fault! SHUT THE HELL UP! Right! I'm gonna go check on Harper and yall better be training when I'm back! Hi coach! Hey how is it going? Good I'm done! Great! Coach can I talk to you? Sure what's wrong? So I'm thinking about leaving this club. What why? I wanna start my own gymnasatic club. Oh great so then I'm leaving most of my members! Yes because your a bad coach! Vienna what the hell are you doing here? Harp come we are going home now! I don't wanna stay here anymore! Viv why are you so angry? Come I will tell you when we get the hell out of here! I'm sorry coach but I'm going see you saturday. Yes bye. Ivy come we are going home! Alright! How are we coming home? My mom can pick us up! Great Viv! But wtf happend? I will tell you when my mom is also here! Wait my mom is calling me. Hi mom! Alright we will walk to Starbucks you can pick us up there! Great see you then! My mom is picking your mom up so she will be later! So she said that we can walk to Starbucks and she will pick us up there! But why is your mom picking my mom up? I don't know she didn't say that. Alright should we walk to Starbucks? Yes! But what happend? So I was just asking coach where you were. And then he said doing work in the office. and then I asked why? and then he screamed at me that I needed to train. So then I got angry and screamed to him that I'm only asking why you weren't training. So then Ivy to mind my own buisness. And I was still angry so then I said then she doesn't need to get herself into it. And I'm sorry Ivy for being so angry at you! So then coach screamed that we needed to shut up and train. So then I screamed that it was his fault. And then he shouted that we needed to shut the hell up! I'm still angry! Ugh. And I'm really sorry Ivy! It's okay I know how you are! Great! Who wants coffee? Me! I need coffee! Do you two wants some breakfast? Some cookie's would be great! Alright. Can I get a blueberry muffin? Sure! Thanks Viv! I will order you two go outside! Great! Did your mom bought the club already? No she is a bit busy. You know I would love to work there! I would love to have you there! Here is our order! Thanks Viv! Your welcome! My mom is here! Great! Hey mom! Hi girls! Mom and Valerie I bought you coffee to! Ahw thanks! And Valerie I also bought you cinnamon coffee cake! Your the best Vienna! Mom where are we going? You will see! Okay? But you were in a fight with coach? Yes he was screaming at me! Calm down sweetie! I don't wanna see him anymore! We will talk about it later! What? Mom are you serious? Yes I bought the club! OMG I can't believe it! Thank you so much! Girls lets watch inside! So here is the main hall, here are the changing rooms! Here is the storage room, and if you walk here there is the office! So here is the bathroom. And here is the second hall with a storage room! So it was a big club so there is the third hall but you can make that into the after school care! And the canteen can you turn into the café if you want! I want that! I love it! Thank you so much mom! Your welcome! So we gotta discuss some things! Alright! So first we have to renovate the building! And then we have to get members! And you three have to get a diploma in coaching! Then we have to get employees! We have so much to do! Girls it's gonna be okay! We are all gonna help! Great! Should we go to dinner tonight? Yeah! With all the family's? Sure! Should we go home? I will walk home! Are you sure Valerie? Yes! Okay see you tonight! Girls should we plan Paris? I will call my brother! Great! Hey Hugo can you come over to Viv? We have to discuss some things! Alright! Bye! He is coming over! Great! But mom how are we going to do it with school? Uhm Harper your already graduated right? Yeah! So maybe you two can be home schooled? That sounds like a great idea! We will have to discuss that with school! And also your parents Ivy! Yes! Ivy is it also okay with your parents to go to Paris? It's okay with them! Amazing! Wait my dad is calling me. Hi what do you want?  Calm down! It's always been my dream to own a club but you held me back I'm so done with you! Don't call me again! Are you okay? no I'm not. Do you wanna talk about it? No I just don't wanna talk to him anymore. But we gotta plan trip! Yeah! Hugo is already there! Great! We are also here! Hey Hugo! Hi Elizabeth! Did you already heard about the plan? Yes! Great! Do yall want something to drink? Water please! Me to! Viv what do you want? Some juice please. Alright! There you go! Thanks! Should we first find a hotel? Yes! Omg! What? I found the same hotel from last time! That's great! How many rooms do we have to book? With how many people are we going? So from us 5 people! How many from you Ivy? My parents and my brother so 4 people! And from you Viv? My parents and my sister so also 4 people! So that is 13 people! So that is 6 rooms! I will book it! If you four go find fun activity's! I found a swimming pool! That's fun! And of course we need to go to the Eiffel Tower! Obvious! We will see when we're there! Yeah but I have the hotel planned! Now we gotta book the plane! How long is it flying? About 8-9 hours! So 13 seats! How many weeks pregnant is your mom? 21 weeks I think! Great then she can fly! You can't fly when your pregnant? When your above 30 weeks then you can't fly anymore. Alright! I think we're done! Great! Should we design a logo for our club? I'm gonna get groceries girls! Bye mom! Wait Harp did mom buy the club? Yes! Congrats! Thanks! You know your gonna work there to? What? No I'm joking! But I can work there if you want! I could do the administration! Your hired! But I'm gonna head back home because I told mom that I was going to the gym! Alright see ya! Bye Hugo! Bye! Wait Hugo! Yeah? Sorry girls but I'm also gonna go home because I have some work to do! Alright we will fix the home schooling! Great! F*ck Viv! What? We have to be in school! OMG we are so dumb! Hugo can you drop us off? Sure! We are so late! Great then we can talk right with our mentor! Alright come! But Harp you know your our boss! Wait no we three are the bosses! But we will discuss that later! You two have to go to school now! Come! Viv maybe you can graduate early? Girl I'm so dumb I can't do that! What are your grades? All A and one B and one C. Viv you can graduate early with that! Wait really? Yes! Alright thanks for driving us Hugo! Succes girls! Bye! Harp when are you gonna move? In two weeks! Oeh! Morning Ivy and Vienna! Uhm goodmorning! To the office now! Bye! They are so fucked up! Yeah! I have so much to plan! I can help you if you want? Yes I would like some help! Lets go home and then we will make a list with things we need to do! Alright! 

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