The favourite

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Hi mom! Hey! Hugo and I are gonna work for the club! Alright! I'm doing some stuff for the new home, so that we can move in three days! Wait three days? Yeah! But is our home sold yet? Nope. Oh! Dad called me. Oh what did he say? He was talking about the club. So I said that he held me back and that I never wanna talk to him again! Maybe I can use his money for the club? That's a great idea! I have to call your that about Thanksgiving! I need to do that now! Hi Jasper I wanna talk about Thanksgiving. Okay see you then! What is he coming? Yes after that he is picking the girls up! What is it dads weekend? Yes. Oh okay! Come Hugo we are gonna work! So what do we need to do? A name, logo, buy equipment, renovate the building, hire people, get members and so much more! Alright calm down! First we need a plan to renovate the building! But that is already taken care of! Now we gotta think of a name and a logo. Lets look online. Elite squad? Nah! Chalk it up? Ew! Power Stars? Maybe? Jumping beans? What do you think? Nope. I found is Harp! What? Stick it! Yeah! Now we gotta create a logo! No first I have to confirm it with the other girls! But you are the boss right? No we three are the boss! But maybe it's a better idea if you are the only boss? Maybe but I just wanna do it with them! But Harp you need to understand if your with three you are gonna get a argue sometimes? Maybe Ivy and Viv only help with trainings? But I wanna discuss that with them! And I can't kick them out right now! They aren't in yet! Do you wanna be my business partner? What really? Calm down Harp you have to think about this and you have to discuss this with Ivy and Viv! Alright I will do that! I will go look online for Logo's! Wait Viv is calling me! Put it on speaker! Hey your on speaker! Okay! How did it go? So we are fucked up! What happend? So first I will tell after that Ivy will explain. Alright! So our mentor was angry and then I talked about home schooling or early graduating and then he went screaming at me so I got angry. Of course! So I screamed back at him. So now I'm suspended for a week... WHAT? What did you scream? About he is the worst mentor and this school. Uhm Viv you also screamed about his family and that's he is poor... Vienna what the hell. I was angry okay! He was screaming at me that I'm to dumb for early graduating. What really? Yes so that's why I got angry! And he was talking about how I'm the same as my mother! Alright Viv you are gonna graduate early go to your mom and talk about it and my mom can come to if she wants! Alright Ivy what happend to you? So I was after Viv so he was already angry so I was also talking about home schooling and then he said that I can't be home schooled because of my mom her age! Wait your mom is 25 right? Yes. Wait what did your mother had you when you were 13? Hugo shut up! But that's so mean from our mentor! Yes so I also tought that! And he was talking shit about my dad because my dad had him also as a mentor! So then I was so angry so I called my uncle because I know my dad would have started a fight with him. Wait which uncle?  Oh great did he came to school? He came so he went talking with our mentor and now I'm suspended for a two weeks. Oh great. But where are you? Still at school. Our mother has to pick us up. My mom is also coming she helped Hugo also early graduate! Alright! See ya! Guys I'm going to school! Dad is almost coming! Okay! And Holly and Hazel are also almost coming home! Do we have to pick them up? No it's bus day! Okay see ya mom! Don't get to angry mom! You don't gotta mess with a pregnant woman that fucking school! Calm down mom! Bye! I'm gonna have to try to not get angry at dad because Holly and Hazel are here... Just try alright! If you can't do it just go to your room and say you have to study! Alright! Dad is here... I hope that bitch didn't came with him. Hope so! Hi dad! Hi Hugo and Harper! How are you two doing? Good how about you? Also good! I saw the house is for sale. Yes! Where are you gonna move to? That isn't yo. Harper! A few blocks away! Where is your mother? At school. So how is it going with your 'club?' We are starting. So it's going bad? NO I SAID WE ARE AT THE BEGIN! CALM DOWN LADY STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR MOTHER! UGH JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU HAVE BEEN ALWAYS SO ANGRY AT ME! YOUR THE ONE WHO STARTED SCREAMING! SHUT UP HOLLY AND HAZEL ARE HERE! Okay. Daddy! Hi Holly! Hi Hazel! Hey Harper! We are gonna pack our stuf! Mom already packed! Great! So Holly come here! Where is the new home? Dad just don't! What why can't I asked my daughter where she is gonna live? Because you don't need to know! IT'S MY DAUGHTER SO I CAN NOW WHERE SHE LIVES! I'M YOUR DAUGHTER TO DAD! AND SO ARE HUGO AND HARPER! You have been favoring Holly since she was here and Hugo, Harper and mom where there for me! You where never there for me! YOUNG LADY CALM DOWN! Hugo I don't wanna go to dad! Mom is here! Hello! Mommy I don't wanna go to dad anymore! Hey Honey calm down! What happend? I CAN TELL YOU WHAT HAPPEND YOUR DAUGHTER BECAUSE SHE ISN'T MINE ANYMORE WAS SCREAMING AT MY THAT I HAVE BEEN FAVORING HOLLY SINCE SHE WAS BORN! But she isn't wrong right? NOW YOU ARE STARTING TO? DAD YOU KNOW  YOUR WRONG! Hey everybody calm down! I will keep the kids here for the weekend we will see next week! Okay what about Thanksgiving? I don't care do you have plans? No you? I wanted to leave the country with Alice! Do you want the kids then? No I don't want those ungratefully kids with me! Sure please leave then! Alright bye. Bye. So mom how did it go? Wait first we gotta talk about this. Okay! Does anyone have to say anything? Yes. Alright Hazel! Dad has been favoring Holly since she was born. Dad didn't even say hi to me! Oh that isn't nice from him! So you don't wanna go to dad anymore? I rather not. Alright we will have that discuss that with the judge. Do we have to go to court again? I think so. Oh okay. I will discuss it with the judge and you four can write a letter for the judge. But mom how did it go? Good! Great I will call them! Good I will call the judge. Okay! Mommy I have training! Hugo can you bring me? Sure! I will come to Hazel because I need to talk to coach! Holly do you also wanna come? Can we go to the playground then? Sure! Lets go! Wait Viv is calling me! Put it on speaker! Okay! Hey Viv! Your again on speaker and Holly and Hazel are here! Okay hi your mom is a life saver! Did you graduate early? Yeah! So I can go study! That's so great! Alright is Ivy with you? Yeah! Ivy tell me! So your mom saved me! Can you home school? Yes and I only have to do three subjects! Girl how? She said that every period I can choose three subjects! That's great! Yeah! But I'm going to talk to coach so anything you want me to say to him? Yes that we are not coming to training anymore! That's all? Yeah! We're here see ya tonight! Yes bye! Thanks Hugo! Hi coach! Hello girls! I wanna talk to you! Okay come! Hazel you can go get changed! Okay! What's wrong? So I'm gonna stop training the girls after Tomorrow. What why? Because I'm busy with my own club! Okay! And I'm also not gonna train here anymore. Give the keys back then. Alright here. Also Ivy and Vienna aren't coming anymore. Great! You can give training I'm gonna need to talk the director. Okay! Hello girls! Hello coach! Is everyone excited for tomorrow? Yes! Yeah! But I also have some sad news. I'm gonna stop giving training to you girls after tomorrow! Ahw why? Becasue I'm gonna  start my own gymnastic club! I'm gonna as my mom if I can train there! That would be great! Now all go practice your routines! Harper can you come here? Sure. You can leave right now and you can't be there tomorrow! Alright I will go tell the girls. Girls come here please! I'm gonna have to leave and I'm really sorry but I can't be there tomorrow. What why? Yes Jeff tell them! So my boss told me so! That isn't a reason coach! Okay so Harper just can't be here anymore because she cost us to much time! Hazel come we are going! Yes and I'm not coming Saturday! If Hazel is not coming I'm not coming! Yeah me to! Me to! I'm also not coming! Hey girls you all can go! No because your a good coach and you make time for us! So no I'm not coming anymore! Yes come girls lets change! Jeff that's my sister! Good luck with your training! Harper wait! Coach your done! Hey girls! Hi coach! I will text your moms and talk about what happend! You all can go to the playground! And your moms can come pick you up! Girls I have send a text to all your moms! Coach? Yes Anna! When is your club gonna be done? In one or two months! Oh that is gonna talk a while! Yes but I'm gonna try if it can go faster! Avery your mom! Bye coach! Sophie your mom! Bye! Wait isn't Scarlett here? No of course not her dad is the coach! Oh yeah I forgot! Anna your mom! Bye coach! Stella your dad! Bye coach! Zoey your brother is here! See ya! Bye Honey! Everly and Alice your moms! Bye coach! Bye sweeties! Hazel we can go to the restaurants! Okay! Lets go! Where are we gonna eat? That new restaurant! Yay! We're here! Where are they sitting? In the corner! Oh yeah I see! You can sit down next to Viv! Ahw thanks Hazel! Hi everyone! Hey! How did the training go? So Jeff said that I cost to much time so I got fired. So I said Hazel come we're going! And then I said that I'm not coming Saturday so the whole team said that they are also not coming! The whole team? Everyone except Scarlett. Oh of course! I'm so done with him! He is so toxic! Hello I'm Emma and I'm gonna be your waiter for tonight! So you can order food and drinks via the Ipad! Alright! And I'm sorry but I'm gonna have you all to move tables. That's no problem! So here are two tables that you all can sit on! And again I'm sorry! No not a problem! Parents one table? Yes! Okay great! But Harp did you get angry at coach? No because all the kids where there! But talking about the club Hugo and I tought of the name Stick it. That's so cool! Harp what do yall want to drink? Coke! Ice tea! Water! Alright! And as main course? A chicken burger please! Chicken salad! Chicken warp! Okay! I have ordered! Great! So Hugo and I where talking about the club and Hugo said that's maybe better if you two are trainers and not the boss! Great I already had stress thinking about that I was the boss of something! For me to! I know you are gonna do a good job! Ahw thanks girls! Here is the food! Thanks! Thanks! Your welcome! When are they gonna renovate it? They are already renovating it! And it will be done tomorrow! OMG! You have some work to do! I know! But Hugo is gonna help me so it will be okay! Great! But lets not talk about the club now! Yeah! Mom! Yeah? Your bleeding...

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