8 4 3

"Shut da fuck bitch." Justin said and rode off, not the direction of their home but somewhere else.

"Where are you taking me to Justin?" Ariana asked.

"I think it's high time we set things right, I can't deal with all these nonsense fur another minute." He paused. "So I've decided to meet the judge, I can't do this anymore. The divorce must be finalised NOW!"

"You're joking." She said. He's to be joking. She'd been thinking she still has time to set things right before their divorce gut finalise but what if the court agrees and allow them to go their separate ways? What would happen then? How will she give Ella the dad she'd love to have which could only be Justin. All these thoughts ran through her small head and she felt tears gather the corner of her eyes.

"Justin please don't do this." She couldn't believe how quickly she got over her pride. She was begging him not to leave her. That was one thing she thought she'd never do.

"What? Oh so you still love me? You still love me and you accused me wrongly. You're the cause of all that's happening Ariana."

"I'm sorry Justin." She said softly.

"It's already too late. No need to apologize, you wanted a child not marriage, you got all you wanted so what now?" He asked and chuckled sadly. " I hope you find someone better than me. Someone who wants a child, who will take care of Ella and her careless Mom."

"At least let's give ourselves time, if it's space you want I'll give it to you but please not now." She pleaded weakly. "Just give me some time to set things right. Yes I've been careless , when it comes to our marriage and our... My... Ella I mean . But I promise to change for the better."

"You know who you look like? You look like one of those frustrated women whose husband wants to leave them."

"You are not wrong." She said. Now she'd yo accept all her faults, for this one last time.

Justin kept quiet and made a U-turn, she was beginning to find the streets familiar. Yes... That was the tree they'd their first kiss. She looked around and stared at him for a while. She caught him smirking or was this one of her imaginations again?

"Justin..." He hushed her and continued driving, he parked his car properly before turning to her and gave her a ghost of smile. "Where..."

He hushed get again but this time using his lips as well. She melted into his kisses. For this maybe last time let she enjoy those lips. She knew he was surprised that she kissed him back. Oh how she missed his kisses, his lips devouring hers, searching hers, loving hers and exploring every nook and cranny of her mouth.

This was fate, she thought. They'd had their first kiss in this same place and are now having their last kiss. He broke the kiss making her feel empty. She yearned for more of his lips but he was definitely not giving that to her.

"Happy now?" He asked and winked. "Ah, so we've finally had our last kiss " her heart felt heavy, it was the last time they'd actually kiss.

Justin made a U-turn and rode home.


Ariana Grande finally decided on joining the single mom's club. That was the only way to achieve her goals and bring up her daughter well. She was careless, not a new thing but she definitely wished she could do better. She sighed at the sound if her phone beeping. She'd two messages from a unknown number.

She logged into her Facebook and quickly went to messages. She checked for the person's profile and her mouth flew open.

Short and sketchy, sorry guys. I'm having a hard time with this novel but I'll try improve and also make it super fun.

Despite the short chapter please do vote and I'd love to hear from y'all. It'd help me make thus a lot more fun.

Your author cares #karo Godwin #

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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