The First Step

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We all gathered beneath the night sky, a thick blanket of clouds obscuring the moon, casting an eerie darkness over us. The air was heavy with the scent of impending rain, a dampness that clung to our skin and mingled with the tension that crackled in the atmosphere.

As I looked around, I could sense the palpable anger emanating from each person present, as if it were seeping through their pores. The weight of their emotions hung in the air, making it almost difficult to breathe.

"Finally decided to engage in conversation?" King Agamemnon was the first to break the silence. "Is that perhaps due to your arms feeling heavier than usual? Your legs more difficult to move? Or is it the painful sound of hunger rumbling in your children's bellies?"

"We are not on the brink of starvation, if that's what you assume," the older man, presumably Prince Hector, retorted with his head held high. "We possess ample sustenance and vegetation to sustain us indefinitely."

"Enough of this insolence!" Menelaus bellowed, his voice filled with fury. "Step forward and face me like a man, you coward! How dare you steal another man's love!"

Before either of the brothers could respond, Helen's voice interjected, cutting through the tension. "Menelaus, you have been a wonderful husband. You have given me more than I deserve. You have been loyal where other husbands have not. But we both know that our marriage was not founded on true love."

Tears streamed down Menelaus' cheeks as his lips quivered with emotion.

"My love was true..." He whispered. "Did you truly not love me?"

"I did," she replied, placing her hand against the barrier that separated them. "I do, but not in that way. I believed that what I felt for you was true love, until I met Paris. When I saw him, I realized that this is truly how I should feel. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you, and I know that I can never repay you for the wonderful years that you have given me. But I implore you, all of you, to end this war and return home."

Agamemnon scoffed and chuckled. "You truly believe that we would simply retreat because you willingly went with them? They still violated the treaty."

"They violated it because of me, so I plead with you to forgive them. If you seek someone to blame, then blame me. Take me back if that is your true desire. Do whatever you wish with me. Just spare these people, for they are not to be held accountable."

"This is my responsibility as well," Paris interjected. "I was the one who convinced Helen to accompany me. The fault lies with me, but I implore you to leave us in peace."

"Perhaps..." Menelaus spoke softly. "Perhaps we should just depart."

"Have you forgotten what he has done to us, brother?!" Agamemnon seized his brother by the shoulder and gestured towards Paris. "He stole your wife! He brought humiliation upon you, me, and our entire kingdom! Do not let him rob you of your pride as well. Face him in combat! If this is truly your fault, young Prince, then duel my brother. The victor shall claim Helen."

Menelaus underwent a sudden transformation, his demeanor changing drastically. His brother's words had kindled a fire in his eyes, making them blaze with an intense fervor. He growled out a challenge, demanding a duel.

Paris, on the other hand, seemed to be at a loss for words. He stood there, caught in between Helen and his brother, Hector. The tension in the air was palpable as Hector and Helen tried to dissuade Paris from fighting against Menelaus.

Agamemnon whispered something to his brother, possibly concocting a plan or inciting him further. Meanwhile, Achilles and I watched the scene unfold in front of us.

Wars Of LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora