Moment Of Respite

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"Why would you let him take her?!" I yelled at Achilles in frustration, my voice piercing through the stillness of the night. The moon bathed our tent in a soft glow, casting long shadows on the ground.

Within the confined space, Eurypylus stood silently in the corner, his presence a mere shadow in the dim light. 

"She tried to kill him and she wounded Menelaus," Achilles responded casually, his voice calm and collected. "I had to give her to him as recompense."

"And what about the shield? Are you just giving up after everything we've been through?" I asked, bewildered by the sudden shift in his purpose for being here.

Achilles scoffed at my question, his gaze filled with determination. "Don't be ridiculous. I will bring down that shield, but I will not stand for Agamemnon's insults. I am his plan, his key to victory. Without me, he has nothing. He knows this, and soon he will come begging. Then, and only then, I will take down the barrier. That way, I keep my respect, my honor, and I reclaim my glory."

"And what about Briseis? Will you demand her return?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

"If that is your wish, then I will make the demand. But do not expect Agamemnon to comply," Achilles replied, his tone laced with skepticism.

"There must be a way to persuade him-" I insisted, hoping for a resolution.

Achilles interrupted me, his eyes filled with a mix of irritation and curiosity. "Why do you care so much about her? You've only just met her today," he questioned.

I paused, searching for the right words to express my feelings. "She is a victim of this war. She deserves our help, my help," I said firmly, my conviction unwavering. "I cannot stand by and watch her suffer."

Achilles looked at me, his gaze piercing. "Are you certain this is what you truly want? Does she even desire your assistance? Is she even worth the trouble?"

Without hesitation, I affirmed, "Yes. She is worth it. I want to bring her solace and aid in any way I can. While you seek glory through war, I aspire to find mine through benevolence."

Achilles sighed, recognizing the determination in my eyes. "Very well. I will ensure that Agamemnon returns her to us, but not before he apologizes to me for his insolence."

"Thank you," I beamed, my arms instinctively wrapping around his strong frame. Achilles reciprocated the embrace, holding me close. We stood there, entwined, finding solace in each other's presence. The weight of the world fading away momentarily.

"Should I leave you two alone?" the young boy asked, his voice laced with awkwardness.

We turned to him, realizing we had forgotten his presence. "You can have the temple all to yourself tonight," I said sweetly, offering him a small smile. Eurypylus returned the smile and exited the tent, leaving Achilles and me alone.

"It's been a while since it was just the two of us." Achilles remarked, his hand holding mine.

I settled on his lap, feeling the familiar comfort of his touch. "There's only so much privacy you can get in a war camp, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers."

Achilles' touch traced a slow, deliberate path across my body, his fingers exploring every curve and contour, as if mapping the depths of my soul. The anticipation of my reaction lingered in the air, a palpable energy that crackled between us.

Unable to resist the pull any longer, I leaned in and our lips met, a magnetic force drawing us together. In that instant, the desire to connect with him consumed me, overpowering any thought or worry that might have lingered in my mind.

It had been far too long since we had simply sat together in silence, basking in the warmth of each other's presence. As the passion enveloped us, my hands roamed his body, mirroring the fervor that coursed through my veins. Our breaths quickened, becoming erratic as the urge to make love grew overwhelming.

With a strength that belied his warrior's frame, Achilles effortlessly lifted me and laid me gently upon his bed. In the blink of an eye, our clothes were discarded, scattered across the room like remnants of a battle fought and won. Our lips found each other once again, a fervent dance of desire and longing.

The rhythm of Achilles' body melded seamlessly with mine, and together we moaned in a frenzy of raw emotion. I felt the force of his hips thrust against me, each movement sending waves of euphoria crashing through my senses. Overwhelmed by the pleasure, I clutched onto his hair, anchoring myself to the moment.

"Achilles!" I cried out, my voice a symphony of ecstasy as he responded with an intensified rhythm, driving us both to the brink of release.

The bliss became almost unbearable, a crescendo of sensation that engulfed us both until we reached the pinnacle of our passion in a climactic finale. Our bodies trembling and convulsing from from our dance of love.

We lay still on his bed, the memories of our shared life flooding my mind. I remembered the first time I laid eyes on him, the first time we swam together, the first time we argued and fought, and the first time our skins touched. I chuckled at the thought of those moments. 

"What is it?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Just reminiscing," I replied, unable to contain my smile. I turned my head to the side and saw his eyes gazing at me. In moments like this, where nothing else mattered but him and me, his eyes resembled the vast ocean, full of uncharted wonders.

"I love you," I blurted out, unable to hold it in any longer. His eyes widened in surprise, but a smile slowly spread across his face.

"I love you too," he replied, and our lips met once again, sealing our love in that tender moment of respite.

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