Enter Gods

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As the weight of exhaustion settled upon me, my vision gradually dimmed, signaling the imminent arrival of sleep. However, just as I was about to succumb to its embrace, a cacophony of footsteps echoed outside our tent, resonating with such force that it seemed as if the very ground beneath us trembled.

Startled from our drowsy state, both Achilles and I hastily donned our tunics, our senses now heightened with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. With a sense of urgency, Achilles confronted the intruder, his voice laced with authority and a demand for answers.

"Who are you?!" Achilles demanded, his eyes narrowing as he sought to unveil the identity of the trespasser.

"Apologies for the intrusion," the man spoke, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention. He cleared his throat, as if to gather his thoughts before continuing. "I had hoped for a more favorable setting in which to meet you both," he said, his gaze shifting between me and Achilles. "However, the matter at hand is of utmost importance, especially for you, child of Thetis."

Achilles and I exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and reverence etching itself onto our faces. It dawned on us that the divine presence standing before us was none other than the God of the ocean himself. In an instant, Achilles instinctively bowed, his body bending in deference to the deity. I followed suit, my movements mirroring his in a show of respect.

The god's hair, dark and damp, seemed as if it had endured years submerged beneath the depths of the sea. His eyes, unlike the vibrant hues of Apollo, possessed a deep blue reminiscent of the unfathomable abyss that lay hidden within the ocean's depths.

"Stand up child," Poseidon commanded, his voice resonating with a mixture of paternal warmth and authority. "I've know your mother for years. no need for formalities."

"Thank you, mighty sea God," Achilles uttered, his voice tinged with reverence. "Pray, enlighten us on the purpose of your visit. What is it that you have come to discuss?"

"Not a mere discussion, but a grave warning," the sea God began, his voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom. "We, Gods, have long adhered to an agreement, one that forbids our direct interference in the conflicts of mortals. However, when Apollo descended from the heavens and abducted his priestess, he breached this sacred pact, opening the floodgates for all of us to intervene in this war. And my family shall intervene, for they are not the type to miss such an opportunity."

Poseidon's words hung in the air, heavy with the foreboding of impending turmoil. His hand, adorned with markings that resembled swirling waves, rested upon Achilles' shoulder, the touch both comforting and ominous. I couldn't help but trace my gaze along the intricate patterns that encircled the god's arm, their fluidity mirroring the ebb and flow of the ocean's currents.

"I understand your unwavering determination to partake in this war," Poseidon continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of sympathy and caution. "Therefore, I shall impart upon you the knowledge of how to breach that impenetrable shield."

Achilles and I exchanged glances, our attention fully captured by the god's words. Anticipation coursed through our veins as we awaited the revelation that would shape the course of our destiny.

"The shield...Apollo created it," Poseidon's voice resonated with a mixture of anger and disappointment. His eyes, once filled with warmth, now held a glint of resentment as he recounted the events that led to the shield's creation. "Both of us sought to be patrons of Troy, but Apollo seized the city for himself. The Trojans, swayed by his ability to shield them from the scorching sun, chose him as their patron."

The god's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of ancient grudges. He continued, his voice carrying a sense of determination. "The shield draws its power from the sun, but fear not, for I possess the ability to temporarily shut it down. My control over the sky may not match that of my brother's, but it will grant you enough time to infiltrate and dismantle it from within. Do keep in mind, that you only have one chance at this." 

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