Bedside Manner | Gaz

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This one isn't that interesting or eventful, but I thought it was cute.

Today was my first day on Task Force 141, and Kate Laswell was briefing me on my new teammates before we got to base. They were all men. "Dammit," I muttered to myself because I hated working with just men. They always treated me like a lost little girl even though I'm a highly trained Second Lieutenant who knows karate and specialists in unarmed combat. "Uh-oh," I said softly, realizing that one of the men didn't have a photo on his profile.
"What's the matter?" Kate asked as she continued to drive, not looking away from the road.
"Simon Riley doesn't have a photo on his profile." I said, flipping the page back and forth, trying to find the photo.
"Oh, right." She nodded "You'll see why when you meet him." she said calmly, and I glanced at her, but her face was stone cold.
"What does that mean?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow and letting go of the paper but still holding the entire folder.
"I told you, you'll see." She explained as she continued driving. "We're a few minutes out. Can you tell me everybody's names and ranks?" She glanced at me for a couple of seconds, then looked back at the road.
"Yeah, sure." I closed the folder before setting it down on the dashboard. "There's uh.. Sergeant Johnny MacTavish from Scotland." I said, holding up one of my fingers.
Laswell nodded. "Yeah."
"Sergeant Kyle Garrick. British." I picked one of my legs up and crossed it over the other, holding up another finger.
"Mmhm." she nodded
"Lieutenant Simon Riley. Is also British." I added another finger, wondering why the lieutenant didn't have a photo on his profile.
"Yep." She nodded
"Then there's Captain John Price. And he is also British." I smiled, looking at her.
"That's right." She nodded. "Now they are your teammates. MacTavish and Garrick are highly skilled and MacTavish is a smartass." She explained, and I chuckled softly, not looking at her. "Simon may act like a cold, distant asshole. But he really is a good man to have on your team." she explained, and I nodded. "It's just who he is." she added, and I continued to nod.
"What about Captain Price?" I asked, looking over at her. He partecorly caught my eyes because he was so smug in his photo.
She chuckled while shaking her head. "A stubborn and smart man who loves his cigars." she said, lifting one of her eyebrows, and I laughing quietly. "We're here," she added before putting the car in park and setting back in her seat. "I can't go in with you because I have meetings to get to, but I think you'll be able to find your own way in." She said, looking at me with her eyebrows up.
"Yes, ma'am." I said, getting out then going to the back seat and grabbing my bag.
"Good luck." she winked at me before driving away. I sighed as I scanned the grounds from where I was standing.
"There she is!" said a deep British accent from the front door as it swung open.
I looked forward and realized it was Captain Price. He was even more handsome in person. "Hello, Captain." I greeted, smiling as I walked towards him.
"You can call me Price." He stepped closer to me. "It's nice to finally meet you. Laswell had lots of good and impressive things to say about you." he added, extending his hand out.
"Nice to meet you too, Price." I shook his hand and spoke. "Call me, Blade." I exclaimed and let go of his hand.
"Why Blade?" he asked, tilting his head and crossing his arms.
"Cause I always go for the silent kill if I can." I smirked, lifting my eyebrows.
"Very nice!" He reached his hand back out for a low high five. "The mates are gonna like you." He added, giving me a fish bump after the high five. "I'll introduce you." He turned and started walking inside.
"Well, I kind of already know who everyone is." I said, following him. "I was briefed on the way over here." I explained as I walked inside with him and the door shut behind me.
"Oh, good." He smiled as he walked. "Gents!" Price announced as he entered a room with me behind him. "This is your new Second Lieutenant." He exclaimed as he stepped aside, so I had full view on the room. "Treat her as your own. Respect her, or she will show you as to why her nickname is Blade." he chuckled and smiled at me.
I nodded proudly with my head up. The other three men I had just read about were all in the room, and all of their eyes were on me. "Hello." I said, taking my bag off my shoulder. I noticed a man in a skull mask, his eyes burning through me. That must have been Lieutenant Simon.
"This is Soap, Gaz and Ghost." Price said, pointing at Johnny, Kyle, and Simon.
"Ghost?" I asked, and his cold eyes moved up to mine. "They should call you Jack." I said sarcastically. The 4 men looked at me confused. "You know, Jack Skellington. Nightmare before Christmas?" I stated, but they all looked at me like I was nuts. "Never mind, where's my barracks?" I asked, looking over at Price.
"I'll show her." Gaz quickly stood up from the couch, and I looked over at him. "I'm going to the training room in that direction." He explained camly.
"Okay, good." Price nodded, then tapped my shoulder, so I looked at Price. "Follow Sergeant Gaz." he ordered
I nodded. "Yes, sir." I looked back at Gaz. "Lead the way, Sergeant." I said, stepping out of the entrance of the door.
"This way." He said, walking out of the room, and I followed him. I glanced up and down the hallways as I followed him to my room. He stopped and held his hand towards the door. "This is you." He said, dropping his hand to his side.
"Thanks," I said, grabbing the doorknob. "You know, um. If you're okay with waiting a few minutes, I can unpack my stuff. Then you can show me the training room?" I asked, opening the door a little.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, then nodded quickly. "I'd be happy to, Lieutenant." he said, nodding, trying to hide a smirk.
I smiled sweetly, which caused him to smile back. "I'll be right back." I told him before entering my room and shutting the door.
I quickly unpacked all my stuff and set up my pull-up bar in my closet doorway before taking off some of my gear except for the gun on my thigh and the knife on my hip. I exited the door, and Gaz was exactly where I left him. "Alright, I need to see this training room." I said, clapping my hands together, then rubbing them.
"Right this way." he turned and led me down the hallway about 15 feet before opening a set of double doors. "This is gonna be fun!" I shouted, staring at this room that was sectioned off into a gym, shooting range, and combat area. I walked inside, and Gaz followed. "What should I try first?" I asked myself.

We were in the training room for the next couple of hours. We started with hand to hand combat. I had him flipped over and pinned to the ground in just 40 seconds. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he stared up at me. I chuckled confidently, and he smiled. I stood up and lowered my hand down to him. "Come on, Sergeant." I said, and he took my hand before I pulled him to his feet.
We then walked to the shooting rage, and he surprised me with head shots all around with him. It felt good to have such a great shoot on my team. The last Sargent I had couldn't make a headshot to save his life, literally.
After we had some fun with guns. I showed him up by doing more pull-ups and squats. He, however, did beat me in bench press.

Time Skip

The last thing I remember was a couple of days after I met my new team. I went on a mission with the boys, and then everything went black.
I woke up in a hospital with Gaz sitting next to me in a chair. "What happened?" I asked, groaning from the pain in my arm and my stomach.
His head quickly moved up. "You're awake." he said, relieved as his shoulders moved down.
"What happened?" I asked again, eager to know what the hell was going on.
"You were shot. A couple of times, actually. But they were able to get the bullets out, and you've been asleep for a couple of days." He explained and stared at me, conserd. He wide eyes were like black holes in space.
"Couple of days?" I asked, lifting my hand and rubbing my forehead. "The first mission I go on with my new team and I end up in the hospital." I muttered angrily. "Why me?" I shook my head.
"At least you're not dead." He whispered.
I looked over at him and lay my hand down. "Did you wait by my bedside the entire night?" I asked him, and his eyes shifted from mine to the floor.
"I needed to make sure my- our Second Lieutenant wasn't dead." He defended himself, and I nodded while chuckling. "I.." he stopped. "We can't afford to lose you."
"You're too sweet." I said, placing my hand over the bullet wound on my stomach and coughing lightly. "Ow," I said, softly
"Careful." he said, removing my hand from the bullet wound and holding it for a second.
I smiled sweetly at him as he let go of my hand. "You know you didn't have to wait over here." I told him, trying to set up but groaning from the pain.
Gaz shook his head, and he sighed. "I was just worried." he admitted. I could see a little bit of redness from under his beautiful brown skin.
I moved my head to face him. "Do you have a soft spot for the lady of the team?" I teased and chuckled when his eyes flashed at me, embarrassed. "It's alright." I said, looking back up at the ceiling. "Your secret is safe with me." I rested my hand on my stomach again. "Fuck, it hurts" I whined as I leaned over and I felt like I was going to throw up.
"Shit." Gaz grabbed a trash can and held it close to my face. He rested his hand on my shoulder, gently rubbing it to help me relax. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
"I'll be okay." I groaned before laying back on the bed since I didn't feel like I had to throw up anymore.
"I'll just leave this right here." he said, putting the trash can down directly next to the bed and setting leaning back in his chair.
I smiled up at him, and he looked at me with his large eyes that I could get lost in for hours. He was so cute. It made my stomach flutter, but that might have just been the bullet wound. "So is it safe to say you and I are friends?" I asked.
He hesitated before slowly nodding. "I guess." he said, looking down.
"Good to know." I adjusted my body and turned over on my side. "I'm so hungry." I said, closing my eyes because I was also still very tired. I think the only reason why I woke up in the first place was because the medicine was wearing off, and I could feel the pain.
"Give me a moment." Gaz stood up and walked out.
I chuckled softly as he walked away. "Thank you.." I faded out and fell back asleep.

Call of Duty | Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن