If you lie down, lie next to me (pt. 1)

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• Peppers - Lana Del Rey (video above)
• If you lie down with me - Lana Del Rey

A/n: hey guys! It's been a while! But I'm here and alive and I'd really like to update more. I'll try but school is starting soonish and I'm gunna be busy so who knows. Reminder I need inspiration so if you have any requests please comment. Anyway I had a little burst of inspiration. So enjoy :)

Y/n is 36 and works at a big newspaper company. Right now she is on the plane back to LA from travelling in Europe with family over the summer.

Y/n's pov
I just go on the plane from Toronto to LA. I had already been on a 10 hour flight from Geneva to Toronto the day before and I was still very tired. There are probably better ways to get from Geneva to LA but I was travelling with my family and they live in Toronto so it was just easier for me to go on the same flight and stay the night at their home. I guess I could have stayed a bit longer but I need to get home. I love my family but their intense. 3 weeks is definitely enough time together. Anyway I just got to my seat and put my music on. The lady that sits next to me just came and damn she's fine. Long almost waist length dark brown hair, slightly wavy, just the kind I wish mine was like. She was wearing a dark grey turtleneck sweater that looked amazing on her and pretty nice black trousers. Not exactly what I would wear on a plane but you do you. Chocolaty brown eyes met mine and she softly smiled, "What song are you listening to?"
"Lana Del Rey" You say and smile back.
"Cool, I used to listen to her but I haven't in a while, she pretty good"
"Yeah, I'm listening to her new album"
She hummed in response. "What's it called? Maybe I'll listen to it"
"It's called Did you know there's a tunnel under ocean blvd. It's really good."
"Thanks, I'll listen to it." She replied and proceeded to look up the album. "Shoot, I can't listen to it cause I don't have it downloaded. Aww that's annoying I really wanted to listen to it." She pouts and I swear it the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I want to keep talking to her, so I offer her one of my AirPods so we can listen together. She thanks me and as the song starts playing I says "oh by the way my name is Y/n."
She smiles (beautiful, I could look at her smile all day) and says "nice to meet you, I'm Elizabeth" you smile back and you both continue to listen to the music. I was so tired that literally fell asleep halfway through the second song. Although I didn't get to sleep long as there was a bit of turbulence that woke me up not very long after. But I noticed that she was asleep on my shoulder and oh my god I just can't get over how cute and gorgeous she is. I know it's kind of creepy but I take a photo. Her hair was covering her face so it's not like super stalkerish and creepy.

I realize that one of the more upbeat song is coming so I decide to change it to Lana's Blue Banisters album because it's slower. Some while later Elizabeth wakes up. She profusely apologizes for resting her head on my shoulder. I chuckle and say it's totally fine. I tell her that I changed the album because she looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake her with the louder music. She blushes and says "thanks, i wouldn't mind finishing the album though, if you don't mind"

"Oh no, of course, I'll change it back" you change it back to wear you left off which was at Peppers. (Go listen to Peppers if you haven't yet, or the whole album while you're at it. My favourite is A&W. No but actually listen to Peppers the rest will make a little more sense, I'll put a link or something at the top) The intro starts and she looks at me and smirks "Angelina Jolie?" She questions.
"Hey" I pout "I will have no Angelina hate"
She's smiles "No hate" she insists "but don't you think she's a bit overrated?"
"No, I think she amazing." Now to spare you the details, I basically rant about how amazing Angelina Jolie is and how I have a crush on her but I'm not anywhere close to being good enough for her for the rest of the song. By the end of my little rant, Elizabeth raises both hands with an amused expression "ok you win but you're beautiful , you'd definitely be good enough for her." She blushes a little.
I nudge her shoulder lightly, blushing slightly and reply "says you you're literally gorgeous." She just rolls her eyes in response.

For the rest of the flight we listened to to more music and talk. We got along great and exchanged numbers and I put: Y/n, the cute girl from the plane who you totally have a crush on ;)). I make sure to shut her phone off before giving it back. We walk off the plane and wait for our bags together. We go outside and there's a huge line for taxis but I have no other mode of transportation so I turn about to say goodbye to Elizabeth. "Thats a long line. Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" She asks. I look at the line and back to her. "Are you sure it's ok for me to stay at your place?" I ask "Of course!" She reassures "The only thing is my driver has the weekend off (btw it's Friday) so I'd have to steal you for 2 days" I smile, "are you sure your driver has the weekend off or do you just want to steal me away?" "Oh I definitely just want to steal you away" she smiles "well in that case" I reply. She grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction of her driver. "Wow, you're really stealing me away" I say with a grin. "You know it babe." She winks at me.

I blush and get in the car and it's like super fancy. During the drive we talk about how we both have wanted to do karaoke but never have done it before plus I need to expose her to Taylor swifts songs because she hasn't listened to any. So we plan to do karaoke tomorrow. I was so involved in our conversation, or admiring her I'm not sure, that I didn't notice the car had stopped. "We're here" Elizabeth says. I look out the window and my jaw drops. damn she's either super duper rich or like famous or something. "Wow" I say as she opens the door for me. "it's beautiful" I say as I admire her house, mansion? She shows me around a little while leading me to the guest room, "the towels are clean so you can have a shower if you'd like. I'm going to go freshen up because I hate plane air." I agree and thank her and she goes to her room so I freshen up. I finish before her so I go on my phone on the couch in the living room across from the kitchen. I don't want to snoop and be nosy. I hear Elizabeth come down the stairs so I look up and Angelina freaking Jolie is just standing there in sweatpants and a t-shirt, hair still a little wet from her shower. I'm brought back to reality when she giggles and rubs the back of her neck shyly. "Wtf" I say standing up from the couch and put my hand over my mouth. "Omg you're Ang- omg " pause and remember all the embarrassing things I said. "Omg" 🤦‍♀️ Then remember phone contact name I put " Oh no, oh god"
She raises an eyebrow "what?"
You blush "nothing, it's nothing"
She pouts "no tell me"
I pout back, "but it's like suuuuuuuper embarrassing"
She shoves me a little "come on, you tell me I promise I won't tell anyone" she pleads with a smirk.
I roll my eyes "it's nothing, just what I put for my contact name on your phone is super embarrassing."
She grins "omg I want to see I left my phone upstairs"
"Oh no you don't" i say and rush to the stairs. I manage to get there before her and stand in a star position on the stairs so she cant get by.
She smirks and says "already spreading ur legs for me I see" I quickly shut my legs and turn bright red. She attempts to get by but I'm like nope never but she distracted me and then ducks under her arm real quick and runs upstairs to get her phone. I give up with a sign and slowly go into her room. When I get to her room and she's giggling. I groan and put my head against the door frame out of embarrassment. "This is so embarrassing " I say.
"well at least your not wrong." She says with a chuckle. And I'm like excuse me what?!! She's walks up to me with a mistevious smirk and I look at my feet becoming very interested in the floor to hide my blush. She tilts my chin up so I have to make eye contact. "you're absolutely adorable" she says softly. She leans in slowly and I hold my breath completely frozen. Her lips don't touch but I can feel her breath as she travels along my jaw and stops at my ear before saying very seductively "and very attractive". I just stand there completely dumbstruck as she pulls away and chuckles evily. She walks to the stairs and I groan "you can't just do that."
She looks back over her shoulder (how is she so fucking sexy) and with a raise of her brow she asks "why? do you have a boner already?"
I put my face in my hands to hide my blush and whine "Angieeee, I don't even have a dick."
Angelina smirks "yeah but if you did, you would definitely have boner"
I mumble "no I wouldn't" under my breath as she walks down the stairs purposely swaying her hips seductively.
She giggles "come on I'll make dinner."

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