Chapter 3

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Y/n slowly wakes up as he remembers what is going to be happening today

Y/n: I have to be on my top game today!

Y/n opens his curtains, gets blinded by his curtains again, goes to the bathroom and showers and gets dressed.

Y/n: Yosh. I am ready to go now!

He grabs his two chakra blades as he walks out of the house and slowly makes his way towards the training ground.

He eventually gets there as he sees Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

Y/n: No Kakashi?

Y/n walks up to them

Naruto: Nope he hasn't even arrived yet!

Y/n sits down on the floor as Sakura tries to scoot up next to him to try and engage in some small talk.

Sakura: W-what do you think this training will be about?

Y/n: Probably some strength test or something. To be honest I'm at a loss because I have no clue.

Hours Later

They sit there absolutely starving until Kakashi finally arrives.

Y/n: Kakashi-Sensei!! Where were you?!

Kakashi: Sorry about that...I got lost on the way of life

Sakura and Naruto look at eachother

Sakura & Naruto: LIAR!!

Kakashi: Lets just go to the training ground.

They walk over to the ground as Kakashi starts to explain to them about what is going to happen.

Kakashi: You...are going to have to take these bells from me. And come at me with the intent to kill

Kakashi pulls out three bells.

Sakura: Wait...why are their only three bells? There are four of us right?

Kakashi: Yeah. But in order to pass, one of you have to go back down to the academy.

Y/n looks at his teammates

Y/n: I have to think of a plan to get them the bells..

Kakashi: Okay....are you guys ready..

Kakashi: 3....

Kakashi: 2....

Kakashi: 1....

Kakashi: Go.

Sakura, Sasuke and Y/n run into the trees as Naruto stays out in the open

Sasuke: What is this idiot thinking!?

Y/n: Lets see what he does for now.

He starts to taunt Kakashi as Naruto runs towards Kakashi trying to get a hit in but he is unable to.

Naruto: Why can't I hit him!

Kakashi takes out his book as he pays no attention to Naruto as he just effortlessly blocks him.

Naruto: Grrr!! Take this!!

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