part six • blindsided

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a/n: 👁️🫦👁️

hello, yes i know i said i would update like 2 years ago..... but im finally back! such a long awaited update is finally here! let's get into it!


"jonneyun is one of my best friends." jimin fixes his hair with his hand, the other hand gripping the steering wheel. you are both headed to your house, jimin let you keep the sweats you wore from last night.

"where did you two meet anyways?" jimin questions aloud.

"we met at the library downtown. i do volunteer work there sometimes, and he came one day to check out a book, and left with my number." you brush your hair behind your ear.

he laughs, "hahaha, so you're into nerds!"

"no?!" you scoff, playfully punching jimin in the arm. "i'm not into nerds! i just thought he was cute so i gave him my number."

the car slows down to a halt. you finally made it to your house. jimin parks and looks at me, "you know, i really don't like that jonneyun treated you like that earlier."

you look away, taking in a deep breath.

you sigh, "i know."

"does he do that to you often?" jimin asks, searching your arms for signs of abuse. you shake your head, "no- no. he's never been physical with me like that before."

   jimin nods, taking a glance past you, at your house. "so this is your place?"

   "yep." you follow his gaze at your house. "this is it."

   "you know, i actually grew up in this neighborhood." jimin says. "i grew up in that house right there." he points toward the house next door to mine.

   you look at him, surprised. "really? that's crazy."

   "yeah, lots of memories out here." jimin smiles slightly.

   "well thank you for bringing me home." you open the car door and step out.

   "hey-" jimin calls for you before you went to shut the door.

   "what?" you bend down to look into the car at him. he has a big grin on his face, "what library do you volunteer at?"

   you furrow your eyebrows, "um, it's the only library we have."

   you both laugh, and you close the door, giving jimin a wave as he backed out of the driveway. once the car was out of sight, you turn to go inside but your phone goes off.

   you guessed it, your boyfriend's name lit up the screen. you answer, "hello?"

   "where are you?" jonneyun yells at you over the phone.

   "i'm at home wh-"

   "you better be at home! i have to talk to you y/n! i don't know what you have going on, but i'm about to get it figured out!" jonneyun says angrily.

   you go to speak, but right as you did, your phone dies. you roll your eyes. how was he mad at you when you should really be mad at him? the first time meeting his friends and they want to go skinny dipping in the ocean?! how bizarre.

   you barely made it to the door and you hear a honk behind you. it's so loud you jump, and turn around.

   jimin's car is pulled right back up in your driveway. you watch as he gets out of the car, he starts coming towards you smiling, "hey, y/n! you forgot to get this."

   he hands you your handbag from lsst night. you must have left it in the car. "oh- thank you!" you smile.

   your smile leaves just as fast as it came when you see jonneyun's car pull up to your house...


i'm motivated again

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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