part four • questionable morning

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   your eyes are wide and your face burns red as the two of you just look at each other. neither of you moved an inch, even you, who had half the towel in one hand and your other hand was stretched out reaching for the rest.

   "what are you doing?" jimin asks after what felt like forever but it had only been a couple of seconds.

   "me? what are you doing?" you rush to cover yourself with the towel again.

   "i was walking out to grab some clothes." jimin tries to explain, reaching for some boxers he tossed on the bed. he slips them on effortlessly and with a blank expression, looks at you. "did you need anything, or were you trying to hop in the shower with me?"

   you shake your head vigorously, "w-wha-? no! i-i was simply trying to find clothes!"

   he frowns, "oh, well looks like you found what you were looking for." he points towards the clothes you have clutched between your fingers.

   you laugh nervously and nod, "yeah, i guess i did..."

   the two of you stare at each other now until you feel uncomfortable, "i-i'm gonna go."

   "okay, goodnight, y/n." jimin says, turning for the bathroom again with only boxers on. he is so muscular underneath his clothes.

   "goodnight jimin."


   the sunlight breaks through the gap in the curtains, leaving you with squinting eyes as your body wakes up out of your deep sleep. you yawn. what time is it?

   for a second you almost forget where you are, but smile when you realize you actually stayed over at park jimin's house. the scene of last night plays through your mind, especially the part where the two of you looked each other over. you wonder... did he like what he saw? because you definitely liked what you saw... only jonneyun has seen you naked before, since you did lose your virginity to him.

   you frown, maybe jimin has slept with many girls. maybe bea is just another one of his lovers and that's why there was no excitement or spark in his eyes when he saw you naked in front of him-


   your eyes grow wide...

   you turn around in the large bed and come face to face with a sleeping park jimin. you hardly noticed the feeling of his heavy arm tucked tightly around your body until you moved. jimin groans again and pulls you close to him and you can see his peaceful face become even more beautiful. you want to brush his bangs away from his forehead and caress his soft cheek. you find yourself wanting to kiss his plump lips, even though they're dry from sleeping. jimin was truly beautiful when he was asleep.

   you don't want to wake him up, so instead, you pretend to be asleep, and snuggle closer to him.

   in his sleep, he pulls you even closer to him, and now your skin to skin with his bare chest, his chin resting on top of your head. he's so warm and you're so cold. you smile to yourself, not regretting spending the night at jimin's house although the both of you seem to be in relationships.


   soon, jimin wakes up and you pretend to wake up for a second time. he looks to you with a slight smile while still holding you. "good morning beautiful."

   those words melt your heart and you wished he would say it just one more time. "good morning, jimin."

   his eyes squint up from the sunlight just as yours did earlier and he yawns. "what happened last night?" he asks, even though you wanted to know the same.

   how did he end up in bed with you? how did you actually agree to let him sleep in this room with you?

   "i don't know, i was going to ask you the same." you say and move to get out of bed. once you stand up, you gasp from shock. you're only in a tshirt and underwear meanwhile jimin must have only been in boxers. you search for pants, "god, what happened last night?" you repeat his recent question.

   "did it storm?" he asks. "because if it did, i probably came in here. i hate when it storms." jimin says, looking you up and down. today his vibe was different. he seemed more interested in you rather than he was yesterday, it felt... nice.

   "i think it did storm." now that you think about it.

   jimin came into your bed early in the morning when it was lightning and thundering outside. he even asked you if it was okay that he slept with you and in your half asleep estate, you agreed.

   jimin seems to remember now too, "oh yeah..."

   you slip on the sweat pants from last night and jimin smiles at the sight of you in his clothes. you frown at his goofy smile, "jimin, we need to talk."

   he lays back in bed, "about?"

   you go to sit beside him on the bed and get a full look at his bare torso, "last night."

   "what about it?" he asks.

you wanted to talk about last night. you wanted to ask him if he felt differently about you since he saw you naked. you wanted to ask him why he came to you in the middle of the night and cuddled you while you both slept.

but just as you opened your mouth to talk, you hear someone pounding on the door downstairs.

jimin looks to the bedroom door and then back to you, "who could be here so early?"

you shrug, "i-i don't know."

the two of you get up and you follow him downstairs to the front door. thinking nothing of it, jimin swings the door wide open only to regret it a second later...


a/n: 👁👄👁


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