part three • jimin's house

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"break up?" jonneyun steps closer to you, leaving only a small gap between the two of you. "we aren't breaking up-"

you go to speak but jimin cuts both of you off, "come on." he grabs your arm and starts treading towards the end of the road. jonneyun follows, "jimin what the hell?"

"she obviously needs her space, just meet up with her tomorrow. i got this." jimin says to his friend before turning back around and walking bedside me again.

you can't watch as jonneyun gets in his car and speeds off, leaving you and jimin in the dark to walk alone.

once you're at the city, jimin flags down a taxi and the two of you get in. "where to?" questions the taxi driver.

"my place." jimin says and gives the man his address.

you say nothing and just sit quietly as the car begins to move.

"you don't talk much, do you?" jimin looks closely at you, examining your facial features.

"no, i guess i don't talk much after seeing my boyfriend drooling over your girlfriend's tits." you roll your eyes and glare out of the window.

"first off, i don't have a girlfriend. second off, yeah that was a dick move." jimin agrees. "it sucked for you i'm sure, but i bet if you would've came out there, you would've had a good time. sometimes you just gotta let things happen..."

you shrug, "i don't work that way."

"maybe you should change that." jimin says, nudging your arm so you'd look at him. he gives you a warm smile, probably the first time you've ever really seen him smile. "life is all about letting things happen. if you don't work that way, maybe you're doing life wrong."

you sigh, "if letting things happen means getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers in the middle of the night in the ocean, i don't know if that's for me."

jimin laughs at your response. offended, you furrow your eyebrows, "what's so funny?"

"you." he continues chuckling to himself.

"you guys are all psycho." you scoff, scooting closer to your side of the back seat.

jimin sees this and pulls you closer to him, "i didn't say you could scoot away."

"well why would i want to be next to someone so-" you cut yourself off before you step out of line.

"so what?" jimin asks.

"so arrogant and rude." you side eye him.

"arrogant and rude?" he repeats, slightly offended. "i offered to walk you home and i'm paying for a taxi so your pretty little legs don't get tired. how is that arrogant and rude?"

"you want to give me life advice? well take some of my advice; don't offer to walk home a stranger when you obviously have a girlfriend." you say but then wonder why you even said that... why was it such a big deal that he has a girlfriend when you clearly have a boyfriend?

"as i said before, i don't have a girlfriend."

you watch as jimin looks away and you decide that the back of his head is just as pretty as the front.

"then who is bea?" you ask.

jimin doesn't say anything.

the taxi stops, "we are here." the taxi driver looks back to us and jimin digs in his pocket for cash. once the driver is paid, we both step out and watch the taxi leave.

jimin turns around and slowly walks towards the house. you turn around to see a huge house that seems like something you'd see in a movie. "why did we come here?"

"this is my place. you can crash here for the night." jimin says, actually waiting for you now. you meet up with him and the two of you walk inside together. you gasp, "whoa, this is your house?"

"correct." jimin smirks, leaving his sand-filled shoes at the door. i leave mine beside his too and follow him to the living room.

"i have towels and some clothes if you want to take a shower." jimin looks at your dirty clothes and your messy hair. you nod, "that would be nice, thank you."

"let me show you to the bathroom." jimin motions for you to follow him upstairs. you do and find that the upstairs is just as beautiful as the downstairs. still in awe, you talk aloud, "how can you afford this place?"

"it's been in the family for years. it was passed down to me when my parents moved out of the country." jimin says, hardly seeming phased by my openness at all.

he leads you into the large bathroom with a jacuzzi in the middle and a large walk in shower to the left. you look around the marble room and admire the architecture of the bathroom. "this is nice." you smile, imagining how awesome it would be to actually shower in here.

"eh, it's just the guest bathroom." jimin shrugs. "you can go ahead and shower, i'll take a shower in the other one. towels are right here." he pats the wooden shelf on the wall that holds tons of towels on it. you nod, "thanks again for letting me stay here tonight."

"it's no problem, if you need anything, let me know." jimin gives you a wink before turning and leaving, shutting the door behind him.

you take shower and feel refreshed after the events that had taken place tonight and oddly enough there's a clock on the wall in the bathroom. if it's correct, it's approximately two in the morning now. you rub your tired eyes and wrap yourself in a towel. you realize that there's no clothes for you. jimin probably forgot to grab some just like you forgot to ask for any.

slowly and quietly, you peek your head out of the bathroom and could hear the water running down the hall in the other bathroom. you rush towards the sound, assuming that the main bathroom is attached to jimin's room; the room where there's fresh clothes to change into before you embarrass yourself.

you step into the bedroom and begin to search through his drawers for clothes. you find a tshirt and some sweat pants and just as you turn to go back to the other bathroom, you lose grip of your towel and it falls to the ground. you scramble to get it but something even more terrifying happens. the bathroom door swings open and out walks a naked park jimin.

a/n: and i oop-


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