Part 2

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I jumped up statled by a bang on my bars and cruel laughter. It was a guard, and I narrowed my eyes, and he grinned and said. "Such a pretty thing aren't you." I shuddered, while I couldn't understand what this was about I knew that this was one of the people who did those unexplainable actions that hurt Erik more than pain. "Go away." I tried to look menacing, but mentally being a child I wanted to hide in a corner and hope he'd go away. The guard unlocked the door and approached me, and I gulped and pressed myself to a corner. "Hush now pretty." He reached out to touch my face, and I suddenly bit his hand and didn't let go, my teeth shredding flesh and bone and the guard screamed. I reached up and sank my long nails into his eyes, feeling the eye tissue break and squelch under my finger nails made me smile and the guard screamed more and this caused a doctor and a nuse to run in and I yelped and ran into another corner, I dislked all these people coming to my cell I just wanted Erik, he was the only one I trusted. The doctor saw my distress and told the nurse to take the guard away and the doctor came towards me slowly and I back up completely to the wall. Last time I hurt the staff the doctors and guards beat me senseless, but the doctor only asked. "What did he do or try to do to you?" I whimpered a bit and the doctor looked at me with pity and I stammered. "Bad things." Doctor only nodded then looked me up and down. "Why are you so skinny." I looked at the doctor, maybe this one would be different. "I eat human flesh, but raw animal is ok." I mumbled. "Odd, but I'll try to get you what you'd call proper food." The doctor reached over to ruffle my hair and I flinshed away from his touch. The doctor clucked his tongue the got up and left me alone then I cried and cried, I nearly had to experience horrid things and nearly got a beating, memories flooding my senses and I cried. I fell onto my side and covered my face with my hands and curled up into a ball. Erik then dropped into my cell and rushed over to me. "Are you okay Curtis." I just whimpered and reach my hands out to Erik who sighed and pulled me onto his lap and I sobbed onto his shoulder, I was crying for all those times over the years I held them in, I cried and cried and Erik just held me close and hushed me trying to get me to calm down.
After awhile of crying I just hiccuped into Erik's shoulder and he asked. "What happened." I just shuddered. "First a guard tried to do things, then I nearly got beaten, then I remembered." I whispered and Erik hugged me closer, and I hugged back, then Erik did the oddest thing for him, he began to hum softly in my ear and it calmed me into a soft and peaceful sleep.

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