Part 5

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I woke up in Erik's arms, he had fallen asleep upright, his chin on his chest. I chuckled and got up and layed him on my lap, it can't be comfortable sleeping like that, plus it was due time I had returned the favor, I softly kissed the top of Erik's head and he mumbled in his sleep. "Oh my fucking god Erik." I whispered to myself. "Stop be so adorable!" Then I giggled to myself and ran my fingers through Erik's hair, feeling its softness and almost silky texture. These moments were like a bliss, nothing to worry my still young mind, nothing to cause me pain, just peace, I cherished these moments. I cupped Erik's cheek in my hand and listened to him breathe, then sadly he opened his eyes. "Morning Curt." He yawned and sat up on my lap. "Sleep well Erik?" "Yeah, how about you?" I bit my lip, I didn't want to tell him that my sleep was plagued with the most horrible dreams, so I just smiled and said. "I slept well, thank you for staying with me." Erik smiled and ran his hands through my hair making it stand on end. "No problem, it was a pleasure." Then I pressed my lips onto Erik's and he kissed back wrapping his arms around me, after we pulled away we just stayed like that, holding each other, enjoying the simpleness of each other's breathing. Then Erik suddenly said. "We need to get out of here." I looked up at him and tilted my head. "Why?" Erik's lip peeled back in a scowl of disgust. "They hurt you, nearly killed you for that matter, and not to mention they never feed you, like ever, we need to leave, you can eat human again and we can just be free!" I like the sound of eating human flesh, just at the thought my mouth began to water and I loved the idea of being free with Erik, living our insane and morbid lives together. "How are we going to do that?" "The vents, they all lead outside." I nodded, then Erik said. "But it'll take awhile for us to come up with a plan to get away unnoticed and then get somewhere safe." I thought for a moment then said. "There's a lot of abandoned houses behind the asylum, I used to live in one, we can go there!" Erik smiled and nuzzled me. "Wonderful, now I'll think of a way to get us out."

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