Tired (Venomshank x Darkheart)

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Here is a fluffy little story *runs away and fucking dies*


Tired, it was the only feeling that Venomshank felt as he wobbled home that evening. He had just finished a long day of work and wanted nothing but to fall on his bed and die. And that's what he had planned to do when he got home. But when he got home he was greeted with an unexpected visitor.

" How the fuck did you get in?" Venomshank asked confused. "You left the door unlocked and I was gonna surprise you when you came back." Darkheart replied flatly. "Well you did that, now can you please leave, I'm tired." Venomshank said. "Can I please stay, please?" Darkheart asked. "Ok fine, but be quiet because I want to go to sleep and don't feel like dealing with you." Venomshank spat out. 

As he walked Darkheart walked inside with him. He felt a little sad, he only wanted to see his friend, but his friend didn't want to see him. So he had an idea to lift his friend's spirit. He was gonna make him the best cup of hot chocolate he had ever had

As Venomshank walked away towards his room, he felt a little bit guilty about how he talked to Darkheart. But he didn't feel too bad as he just wanted sleep. Was that too much for a guy to ask for? 

As he heard the door to his friends room shut, he got to work mixing cocoa powder and sugar and hot water until he got a perfect syrup to add to some warm milk, he grabbed some milk from the fridge and boiled it together in a saucepan, until it was nice and hot he added the sweet chocolate mixture to the milk and poured it into a mug with some whipped cream, and now, he was ready to give it to him. 

Darkheart walked down the hallway towards his friends room and opened the door to Venomshank fast asleep in his bed snoring lightly. He couldn't help but find it adorable. But how was he going to wake him up? He went with the idea of shaking him lightly and seeing if he woke up. But to his surprise it didn't. So he just decided if he couldn't wake him by shaking him, then he would just pour the drink into his mouth, seamless plan right?

He tipped the drink into his mouth and right when the first drop hit his tongue, he sprung awake, and he was pissed. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TODAY! CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU DUMBASS!" He yelled harshly at Darkheart who's soft smile quickly changed into a frown. "I-I just wanted to cheer you up." Darkheart softly said. "YEAH WELL THAT DIDN'T WORK DID IT SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT." Venomshank screamed. But as he finished his sentence he saw the damage he had done, Darkheart had curled up into a small ball close to his bed and was sobbing softly into his legs. And Venomshank could tell he went too far. 

He got out of bed and sat next to his friend, and pulled him into his arms. "I'm sorry Darkheart" he spoke softly to him. His friend just hugged him and nuzzled his face into Venomshank's chest 

Venomshank scooped up hits friend and placed him on his bed, Darkheart took off his hat and placed his head on a pillow tucking himself under the covers and falling asleep, Venomshank watched this as he got into bed and ended up pulling Darkheart close to him and spooning him 

"I love you." Venomshank whispered to Darkheart and even though he was almost deep asleep, Darkheart muttered "I love you too."


Bonus: here is how to make the hot chocolate made in this story:

1.) add a spoon full of unsweetened cocoa powder to two spoons of sugar

2.) add a little bit of hot water to the mixture and stir until dissolved 

3.) heat up 8-10 oz of milk and when it's at the desired warmth, stir it into the chocolate liquid 

4.) enjoy! :)

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