Eepy... (Subspace x Reader)

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Sorry I was gone for a while! School work and shit lmao. 

Requested by @Subspace_Phighting81! Srry your request took so long!


You walked through the door of your dorm which you shared with Subspace, tired after a long day of work. You had no plans, and just wanted to do whatever was the most calming for you at the moment. And luckily, Subspace was right on the couch, a perfect spot to rest your head. 

Walking over nervously, you sat down and inched yourself closer to him, with the plan to set your head on his shoulder and get some rest. But, Subspace had a different idea, and with a swift move, you sat in his arms, kinda being held like a baby? You had no idea what was going on, but it was comfy, and you couldn't give two shits, so you just sat there. 

But after a while, it felt uncomfortable, so you asked him to put you down, and he sat you by him placing an arm around you, holding you closely. You hugged onto him, tracing the veins across his muscular arm. But as you do at this time of day, you got sleepy, and slowly closed your eyes and fell into a deep slumber. 

After about an hour of you sleeping, Subspace picked you up, and carried you off to bed. And when you got there, he got undressed, and slipped under the covers with you, kissing you on the forehead, and hugging to to his chest. Softly snoring while doing so.

When you woke up, Subspace was still asleep, and latched onto you. Wanted to use the bathroom, you tried to squeeze out of his arms, but it proved unsuccessful. And just caused him to hug you even tighter. you went to the last resort, waking him up. Not the best idea, as waking up Subspace while he is sleeping is an easy way to piss him off. But, the bathroom was calling, and you needed to go. 

So, you shook him a little, no response. You shook him some more, still no response. You finally shook him so hard you scared him and he flinched in response. 

"WHAT TH- oh, what did you need?" he asked

"You need to let go of me so I can go to the bathroom,  you are hugging me too tight." You told him

"I guess I'm getting too strong for you, huh!" he said in a cocky tone.

"You could put it like that I guess." you responded.

You walked off to the bathroom, and when you came back, you found Subspace on his phone under the covers. You got back under the covers with him and he pulled you close to him.

"I love you, I don't think I've said that enough" he told you

"I know that you love me, Subspace." You said

As you read the clock, you realize that it's not even morning. It's three fucking am. And as you told him, you both got ready to sleep again, this time, Subspace made sure to give you a little bit of breathing room before he cuddled you up in his arms. You snuggled your head into the crook of his neck and once again, drifted off to sleep.

But, waking up again, you realize you both slept in til seven fucking pm (I swear I need to stop saying that, this is the second time.) And waking him up you told Subspace that it was seven fucking pm (not me doing it again) and he practically jumped out of bed, and after realizing it was too late. He crumbled to the floor in defeat.

"How could I be so lazy." He mumbled into his arms.

"Your not lazy, we could all use a break." you told him.

"But sleep IS my break, I can't be slacking off!" he exclaimed.

"You will be fine, just relax, I'll help you with work tomorrow." you reassured him.

"What would I do without you." He responded lovingly 

You both decided that it was time to wake up, and start the day, even if it was at seven fucking pm. (Why am I like this)


I spent like an hour on this flaming pile of shit so I'm done with this one.

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