Venomshank and Darkheart being a gay icon together (Headcannons)

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Just some gay men action for you all <3


-Venomshank rarely shows any affection in public for Darkheart, yet loves it every time.

-Venomshank gives some really good hugs.

-Darkheart casually caries around Venomshank for fun.

 -Whenever Darkheart pisses off Venomshank, he usually tries to choke him with his arm, although this is usually in good fun.

-Whenever Venomshank is sad, Darkheart will usually cook him dinner, and then snuggle with him afterwards.

-In addition whenever Darkheart is sad, Venomshank will let him sleep next to him.

-They both have no Idea how strong they both are, and usually end up crushing each other whenever they try to hug.

-Sword is a bit scared of Darkheart, but likes it that his dad is happy with him.

-But despite this, Sword still lets Darkheart hug him sometimes.


That's all the gay men you gremlins get today, no more for you :)).

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