Chapter 3

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For her part, the CEO was the one who felt like the luckiest woman. The love of her life was not cheating on her, she was simply a sweet insecure idiot... and she would take care of providing her with the necessary security.

Still making eye contact and holding on to her partner's shoulder with one hand, the black-haired girl lifted her hips a little, just enough to be able to remove the cushion from her girlfriend's lap. The werewolf hesitated at first, but upon seeing the gaze of her lover, filled with a mixture of sweetness, decision and passion, she swallowed hard and gave up the soft hiding place of her crotch. Slowly Asami closed the few centimeters that separated her from Korra's hips and at the slightest contact she felt it.

Something remarkably hard crashing against her intimacy, a thick bulge rising from her, a curve that she felt large despite the best effort the prison of the wolf's shorts gave.

The blush increased in the vampire as she slowly moved her hips, from front to back, as a slight provocation to her hardness, which despite their layers of clothing, she could feel with her crotch.

Korra's expression began to relax, her hands falling to the admirable hips of her lover as she closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by the exhilarating sensation of her swaying over her manhood.

Asami bit her lip observing those cute gestures of hers and while she continued in her sweet and growing agony her ever-active mind did not let up, analyzing her love life from her past in contrast to what was recently revealed.

She for years she had attended dates with men because of her father's lineage ideologies "Marry the right vampire and have Dracula's blessing" Bullshit in retrospect. She did it to please him, and sneaking around with women on clandestine one-night stands; but in the end, after the disaster that was her last relationship with Mummako (also judged by his father for not being the same species, but after all at least he was a man) he was encouraged to indicate, both to him and to his mother, that he was not attracted to men, but to women.

Her mother was pleased with her and hugged her, indicating that she had known for a while but that it was up to her daughter and not her to come out of the closet enchanted.

Her father, on the contrary, was reluctant to believe it and somewhat depressed "But what about the Sato dynasty...", "To hell, Hiroshi. Your daughter's happiness is more important than a bloody lineage. Also, when she marries the right vampire, they can either adopt some cute little orphaned vampire or go to some good certified mad scientist to have her experiments or inventions help them conceive. Suffer not and embrace our brave tusked, foolish Vampire."

The man finally sighed and ended up accepting and respecting. Of course, Asami needed to correct her mother Yasuko that she wouldn't necessarily fall in love with a vampire or adopt little vampires. She wasn't mentally closed to the charms of beautiful monsters of other species and for now she wasn't interested in motherhood... but that's it, that would be a battle for another time. In addition, her life was taking so many turns that she could well find love in another vampire since those of the same species as hers were the kind of monster with whom she related the most, in addition to the inner circle of multicultural friends of she.

But then Korra arrived and the mere presence of her sent everything to hell.

She was her click, just by seeing her she knew it.

With her she wanted everything: get engaged, live together, get married, be mothers... Everything!

For now she was at point two on that to-do list, and happier than ever, the other would come with time, in due time. After all, she would have a long existence to live happily with her furry heart.

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