Hello my dears. It appears that it has been awhile since I have uploaded. Oops and after all that planning too. Well here's the next chapter or maybe the next few chapters depends on my motivation today.

3rd person PoV

The years passed slowly for both dokja and joonghyuk. Dokja had always been the quiet kid throughout school and didn't have any friends. He wasn't outright bullied but people would stare at him sometimes before muttering to their friends. Though he paid no mind to this since he had his loving family and he would rather have no friends than a bunch of fake friends. His school years continued on peacefully and he enjoyed school despite his lack of company. Joonghyuk however had the attention continuously put onto him throughout his years of school. Everyone seemed to fawn over him being an actor. He hated the amount of attention he received which lead to him having a cold exterior. He didn't have any friends in particular but was constantly surrounded by people and that's how his school life continued through the years as he grew to be more famous.

Kdj PoV

I was now fifteen years old and was walking down a pathway leading to my house. As I entered I yelled "I'm home!". My mother came running up to me and hugged me. "How was your day sweetie?" She asked before letting me go. "It was good" I replied "I've been thinking about something" i continued. "What is it sweetie?" She asked. "Why don't we go sit down first. My legs are kinda numb from standing" I said chuckling lightly. She smiled and nodded. We walking into the living room and sat on the sofa before I began talking "mom I think I want to be an idol" I said. "You do?!" She said excitedly. "Yes" I said nodding. "That's great! We can help get you started and-" she says before I interrupt her "I want to do it by myself. I was thinking of entering an agency to get trained" I said. "Oh" she replied. "Is that okay?" I said. "Of course it is sweetie. I think I got a bit too excited" she replies giggling. I let out a sigh of relief before smiling. "I was thinking of entering the constellation agency. They are holding auditions in a week for an upcoming idol training camp" I say smiling. "Okay! We better get you ready" she said enthusiastically. I smile and nod. We began prep for the auditions as well as telling my dad about it. They were both really happy for me. It was finally the day of the auditions. I was nervous and excited. The day passed in a blur as I did everything as practiced. Then it came to the results. We were all lined up waiting for our name to be called. They began calling peoples names until I heard mine. I walked towards the chosen people screaming internally. I signed the contract to join the company and they finished calling peoples names. They then showed us our dorm rooms before telling us to go home and come back tomorrow to the studio for nine o'clock in the morning. I went home and practically ran through the door. "I did it!" I yelled as I ran to my room to my already almost packed bags as I finished packing them. I then walked downstairs. "We are so happy for you!" My mother says whilst hugging me. "Tell us if you have any problems" my dad says. "I will I'm going to go to sleep early since we start at nine and I need to be there before to unpack" I say. "I will drive you. What time do you wanna leave?" My dad asks. "Hmmm? Seven since it's only a ten minute drive" I say. "Okay" he replies. I then walk to my room to go to sleep. I wake up at six and get ready I finally pack my essentials and put my bags into the car. I get in the car and my dads already sat inside. "You ready?" He asks. "Yup" I reply. We drove to the agency and I take my bags to my room refusing help from my dad so he wouldn't get recognised. I start to unpack before making my way to the studio ready for nine. I was half an hour early so I decided to do some stretches to pass time. People started to gather in the room as there was only five minutes before nine. Until finally the person in charge walked in. "Hello I'm bihyung and I'll be in charge of the programme" he says. "We will begin training tomorrow. Today, I will introduce you to your trainers before giving you a tour of our facilities" he continues. The day passed and it was early afternoon once everything was finished. They told us to do what we like for the rest of the day but be ready for eight tomorrow because training is starting. I decided to go to the gym and do a light workout before going back to my room. I slept and got ready before heading to the studio. We started with dance lessons. We then had singing, modelling, acting and other lessons before the day ended. After the first day training lessons became 18 hours long. I became absorbed in training and this went on for a year until I got selected to debut in a group with cheon inho, Jung yougho as well as gu daesung. Our group was named star stream. In the upcoming days before our debut I had grown close to all of the members and we became really close friends. When we finally had our debut concert we became a big hit and was the number one trending topic on twitter. I decided to invite the members to my house for a celebration party. They all agreed and we made our way to my house. When we arrived at my house they saw a mansion. We walked inside and they all looked stunned. My parents come out to greet me and my group members. "Hello nice to meet you all" she says with a smile. Inho turns to me and whispers "your mom and dad are the Persephone and hades". I nod and guide the rest of the members to my room. We were eating snacks and having a good time. The next day rolls around and we have practice. Since debuting we lived in a house the agency bought for us to use. I showed up to practice and the three of them were acting strange but I ignored it. This continued for weeks until they started making insults of how I bought my way here and I was terrible at singing. This caused my self esteem to plummet and I immersed myself in work. As more weeks went by I started to become more fatigued as I would bearly eat and instead spend my time practicing. We finally had another concert and I was excited to show my hard work. We got ready to go on stage. I kept hearing whispers like "isn't he really skinny" "wow his skins so pale" "is he ok" but I ignored them. I got ready to start the concert. We preformed our debut number before starting our newly released song. When it got to my verse I collapsed and passed out. When I woke up I was in the hospital. I was really confused so I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through twitter. There was a tweet a fan of mine posted. It stated "our dokja collapsed on stage during their concert. The members didn't even care to much as they waited for security to help him off stage and to the hospital. I hope you get better dokja and we love you" I smiled as I read it. I checked the date and it has been three days since the concert. My mother rushed to me when she saw I had awaken. "Dokja sweetie you're awake!" She sobbed. We hugged and the doctor explained that I was suffering from severe malnutrition. He said I'd have to stay in the hospital for awhile. Whilst in the hospital I found an actor called Yoo joonghyuk. His acting was absolutely breathtaking and I would find myself watching his movies and series constantly. They made me reflect on my situation as well as were a comfort to my problems. Seeing him act made me happy. They became a salvation to me away from my problems. As it was getting closer to my release from the hospital I decided what I was going to do. I talked to my parents explaining the situation of what happened and that I wanted to leave the group and agency and start a solo career. "I know I said I would do this by myself but-"I said but got interrupted before I could finish. "It's okay we fully support you" my mom says before tightly hugging me as we cry together. I had left the agency and group. I finally decided to post an update for fans about the situation before the group or agency can spin any lies. My tweet read "hello everyone. I'm sorry to say but I'm leaving star stream as well as the agency constellation. I won't go into too much detail but the reason for the recent incident at the concert was internal verbal bullying. When my group mates found out my parents were rich they practically constantly said I bought my place and had no talent. Though the way they worded it was more harmful. In order to prove myself to them I threw myself into work and because of that I became severely malnourished and that's why I collapsed. I'm sorry for worrying you all and I will make another appearance as an idol only this time it will be as a solo idol. Love you all and thank you for the support" once I had posted this it became the number one trending tweet on twitter in a matter of seconds. There were a lot of people commenting there support and get well soon wishes. Time went by as I had practice with my choreographer and recorded my solo debut song that I had wrote. We began choreographing the dance to the song before setting up tickets for a concert of my re-debut. I posted an update on twitter. It read "hello everyone. I am well and getting ready for my solo debut. Tickets for the concert are now being sold. I hope you can support me on my new journey as the oldest dream. Love you all and hope to see you there" I smiled as I added the link to the ticket website. Within hours all the tickets were sold. I was smiling and happy. I continued to practice until the concert day. I was getting ready to go onstage. I wore a silk shirt that was tucked into black trousers. I walked on stage "hello everyone. Welcome to my solo debut. Let's get started shall we" I say and I preform the song I've been working on as well as another one as a little surprise for my upcoming album. "Thank you all for coming I hope you had a great time. There is a booth over there for those who want to take pictures with me. Though it will only be running for an hour so first come first served" I say before walking over to the booth. An hour passes and I say goodbye to everyone. I tweet on twitter before I go to sleep "I had a great time at my concert today thank you all for coming it really made my day. I enjoyed meeting you all and sorry if you couldn't take a picture with me I'll make sure there is more time next time. My debut song is now live on Spotify under my stage name oldest dream. I'm currently working on some stuff for my upcoming album I hope you liked the other song that's in the upcoming album. I love you all and goodnight" I put my phone down before going to sleep. When I woke up I got ready and went down for breakfast. As I was eating I checked twitter. I scrolled through all the things I was tagged in. I saw loads of things fans had posted from the concert and smiled. Then I reached a post from my old agency. The post read "I'm sorry for everything that had happened to you Kim dokja whilst you were with our agency. We were unaware that such things where happening and we wish you the best with your career from here. The group star stream has been kicked out from the agency and won't have a chance at a career as three quarters of the fans the group had were purely yours. We wish you the best" I smiled reading this as it meant I had talent from the beginning and that they all got their karma. I continued my busy schedule until it was finally the day for the album release. I opened twitter and tweeted "my new album is live today on Spotify at one in the afternoon. It's called our dreams I hope you enjoy it. Love your oldest dream". A week had passed and my mother had asked me to play a role in a k drama. They wanted to used my recently released album as well as have me play the male leads friend. I agreed and got ready for the cast meeting that would be in a few days.

To be continued

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