Hello, uhh it's been awhile. I didn't want to drop this story and leave it unfinished but I don't know if I will be able to be consistent with uploads. However I will definitely finish this story. Love you all my dear readers. You mean a lot to me and any comments be it on this story or my last, reviews or not and ways to make my writing better, I really appreciate them. I will try to put your words to good use but please continue to enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing out the concept. I would have said writing it but as you may be able to tell I haven't really been consistent with that. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter.



Its was the long awaited day of the cast meeting. I got up and dressed grabbing my bag to go after having breakfast. I walk down the stairs to be met with my mother. "Morning, can you drop me off to the cast meeting please" I ask my mother as I sit down and begin eating my breakfast. "ofcourse I can, I was about to offer" she replies sweetly. I smile in reply and continue eating. As I finish and place my plate in the sink, I hear my mother from the front door. "Are you ready to leave yet sweetie" she asks in a sweet tone. "Yes , just give me a few minutes to put my shoes and coat on" I reply on my way to the door. "I'll wait out in the car" she says before walking out the door. I hurriedly place on my shoes and coat not wanting to be late. I then made my way out the door and to the car. I get in and my mother begins the drive to the cast meeting.

Once we had arrived I said bye to my mother and headed in. I walked through the building and into the room the cast meeting was taking place at and sat down in my designated seat. The meeting hadn't started so I decided to get to know the rest of the cast a little more before we began working together. I had joined the hurdle of cast members who were already introducing themselves. "Hello, it's nice to meet you I'm Kim dokja" I said politely. "Oh hello! I'm lee hyungsung. It's nice to meet you" a man said. He was followed shortly after by a woman who said "Hi, I'm Jung heewon". I had sat there and chatted with the other cast members for awhile and they felt really easy to get along with. Some time had past and it was getting close to the meetings starting time, so I said bye to the group and headed back to my seat. I sat in my seat in the still lively room until it suddenly turned quiet and full of whispers. I became mildly confused and turned to look behind me to figure out what all the commotion was about. As I turned and realised who it was my jaw mentally dropped. It was only the actor I had been fawning over for the past couple of months walking through the doorway. The yoo joonghyuk had entered the room and I had accidentally made eye contact with him.

Flashback YJH POV

I was sat in my office, looking through my schedule for the week when my assistant walked through the door. "What is it" I asked slightly irritated. "Kim dokja has been offered a part in the new k drama blissful attachment" he said before exiting the room. I smiled to myself as he closed the door. "We shall meet again" I say as an idea circulated inside my head. I had applied for a role in this k drama and was unsurprisingly immediately accepted. They wanted to place me in the main role but I wanted one which was more intimate with dokja. i had long awaited the day of the cast meeting and it finally rolled around.

I headed into the building and through the hallways. I entered the room in which the cast meeting would take place and was met with silence and whispers. I payed no mind to them as my eyes scoured the room for dokja until they finally landed on him. I could see his face become confused before he slowly turned to look at me and our gazes met.

End of flashback YJH POV

I make my way towards my designated seat as people stared at me in awe. I had sat down in my seat that just so happened to be right next to dokjas. I sat in the silence feeling at ease after seeing dokja again and having him being by my side. I could feel him lightly fidgeting in his seat next to me and I chuckled in my head letting out a smirk before composing myself. Another minute or so passed by before the staff members entered the room and began the briefing. They began passing the scripts out to everyone and time passed by pretty quickly. They had finished the introductions and briefing fairly swiftly. That meant I had to let dokja go but I composed myself as not to make a scene because there would be more than enough chances for us to talk and meet again. I watched as he left smiling internally in anticipation of the events to come.


I walked out of the room after the cast meeting was finished and called my father to ask him to pick me up. Once he arrived we made our way home as he made simple conversation asking how the cast meeting went. We finally arrived home, as I entered through the door I shouted "mom we are home". She hurriedly rushed over giving me a hug. " welcome back, how did the cast meeting go? Did you make any new friends? Would you like dinner now or late?" She started bombarding me with questions. " woah calm down a little mom, one question at a time" I say giggling lightly. "Oh I'm sorry I'm just worried, how did the cast meeting go?" She says lightly. "It went well everyone was really easy to get along with" I replied. "That's good to hear, are you hungry?" She proceeds to ask. "Yes very" I reply walking with her to the kitchen. "Luckily dinners ready" she said sitting me down at the table and placing a plate infant of me. "Thanks for the food" I say before eating.

Once I finished eating I headed to my room and had a shower before getting ready for bed. After I had done my skincare and brushed my teeth I led in bed. Before opening twitter to promote the new k drama. My post read "hello everyone, I am very excited to announce that I will be in the new k drama being released called blissful attachment. The show will also be using some of my music which I am very excited for. I can't wait for filming to begin. I hope you guys are as excited as I am and I can't wait to hear your reaction to the drama. Goodnight and love you all." I scrolled through twitter for awhile longer reading the comments and answering some questions. After I finished scrolling I decided to watch a film of yoo joonghyuks before going to bed. I felt extremely happy that I had gotten to meet my idol in real life though something felt kind of familiar. That thought drifted from my head as the movie began and I became immersed. The movie finished and I decided to sleep. I closed my laptop before placing it on my bed side table before laying in bed and falling asleep. I felt an unfound excitement for the days ahead as my consciousness drifted away.

To be continued

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