Hello, umm so I thought about it and decided to write another chapter today since I hadn't uploaded in ages. This is also because I really don't know when I will post again so I may aswell try to post now right. Well love you readers, enjoy the chapter.



A few days have past and it was now the day that filming would begin. I woke up as usual and carried out my morning routine, before stumbling down the stairs to have breakfast. "Morning" I said to my parents before eating breakfast and getting changed. I then walked back downstairs, my mother meeting me at the bottom. "Sweetie the drivers going to have to take you today since we have a shoot" she says in a sad tone as she walks beside me. "That's okay mom, I'm happy that you have made the effort to take me" I reply giving her a hug. "How did we get such a kind son" she says tearing up a little. "Oh quit it mom" I say jokingly before kissing her cheek and heading out the door. I get in the car and the driver begins the journey to the set.

When we arrived I said thanks to the driver before heading inside. After entering I walked up to hyungsung. "Morning" I said. "Good morning" he replied, moving over to give me a spot to sit. We made some casual chatter as we waited for the staff. The staff arrived and told us we had an hour before we started shooting. We decided to do some read throughs of the script as the make up and costume team was helping us to get ready.

Some time had past and hyungsung and heewon had left to go film their scenes and I was left alone. I silently read through the script as I drank an iced coffee. "Is this seat taken" an unfamiliar voice rang in my ears. I looked up to be met with yoo joonghyuk. My eyes widened in surprise before I quickly answered "you can sit" before tapping the seat. He then sat beside me. "Hello, I'm yoo joonghyuk" he states. "I know" I reply, before hurrying to cover my mouth. "Do you know how creepy you just sounded" I internally grumbled. "Right" he states before lightly rubbing the back of his neck. "I noticed we would be in a lot of scenes together and wanted to get to know you more" he stated. "Oh ok" I replied smiling awkwardly. "So what are your hobbies" he asked. "I like singing, dancing, watching films and series. What about you?" I answer. "Hmm... I like reading and listening to music" he replied. We talked for a little while about humane likes and dislikes before we were both dragged away separately to film our scenes.

The weeks were passing by quickly and filming was going smoothly. Heewon and hyungsung were doing a great job at playing the main roles and they were really fun to work with. Me and yoo joonghyuk had gotten a lot closer too. The time where we had to fly abroad to film some scenes was nearing and I was getting slightly nervous since I haven't been away from home since the incident.

The day finally came and I finished packing my bags before making my way to the airport. I made my way through the airport security smoothly before entering the plane. I sat on the plane waiting patiently. I felt a presence sit next to me. I turn to look and am met with yoo joonghyuk. "Hello" I greet politely as he makes himself comfortable. "Hello" he replies. "Please do not mind my snoring" I say before continuing "I'm a little tired" I finish. "Don't mind me" he says before smiling. The plane takes off and I am quick to fall asleep.


The plane ride was calming. Dokja lay asleep next to me as I scrolled through twitter. The plane ride went by too quickly and we had landed. I turn to my side to see that dokja was still asleep. I gently shook his arm and leaned into his ear. "Wake up, we are here" I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes, before turning towards me. He was shocked at our closeness. "We have to get off now" I said calmly before getting up from my seat. As I walked away, I glanced over my shoulder to see a hint of blush on his face. I smiled to myself and continued to get off the plane. When we had arrived outside our lodgings the staff members started to announce the pairings for the rooms. I ignored most of it until, "Kim dokja and yoo joonghyuk you will be sharing a room, the room number is 451" a staff member states. I walk over to the staff member and grab our room key before walking up to dokja. "You ready" I ask. "Yes" he replies. I grab my bags and some of his and we make our way to our room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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