Happy Families (Part Two)- Reggie Kray x OFC

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TW: mental health/postnatal depression 

Ronnie sat at the small kitchen table and wondered if he was even in the same household as just a few days ago. Kate was at the stove cooking bacon and eggs, giggling at Reggie who had his arms wound around her waist and was tickling her neck with his stubbly chin. He would have found it sickening if he wasn't in awe of the massive change in atmosphere.

Reggie had said that Kate was taking her pills from the doctor every day and the improvement in her was astounding already. For some reason though- an entirely unfathomable reason that Ronnie couldn't shake- something about it all didn't sit right with him. He himself had had his fair share of those pills over the years when he was in the nuthouse and even for him, a big bruiser of a bloke, they had left him drowsy and unable to function like a normal human being. Yet Kate, who was so slight that she could be knocked over like a leaf in a breeze, was full of beans and so much energy that it was like she had drunk ten cups of that strong Italian coffee one right after the other.

"Another egg, Ron?" she called over her shoulder sweetly.

"I won't say no," he murmured, eyeing her cooly over his glasses.

From upstairs came the unmistakable hungry cry of little Lydia and Reggie kissed Kate on the cheek before going up to get her. His footsteps were loud as he stomped up the stairs in his polished black shoes, and it was only a few seconds before they could hear the deep rumble of his voice from the front bedroom as he greeted his daughter.

"More tea?" Kate asked, plopping another egg and a round of toast on Ron's empty plate.

"Please," he nodded. "If you don't mind me saying, Kate, you seem to be doing a lot better."

"Oh I am," she nodded enthusiastically. A little too enthusiastically for Ronnie's liking. "Yeah, I'm feeling tonnes better, you know. The pills are really helping; I didn't think they would."

"Hmm," Ronnie grunted, adding milk to his tea from the little china jug on the table. "Reggie said you've got the baby on that formula permanently now. You alright with that?"

"Oh yes," she smiled easily. "It's much better for her and for me, I tell you. I don't really know what I made such a fuss about."

"Here she is; daddy's little princess has come to say good morning to everyone," Reggie appeared with a grin, holding Lydia who had stopped crying for the moment and was staring wide-eyed around the room. She was in that sweet little phase where she was starting to really try and focus in on her surroundings with those big blue newborn orbs.

"Hello beautiful," Kate cooed, holding out her arms. "Are you coming for a cuddle with mummy before your bottle?"

"I thought maybe she might like to see uncle Ron first," Reggie said, almost testing the water. "He's not seen her for a few days, so maybe you can get her bottle ready and then we can get out of your hair while you feed her and get ready for the day?"

"Of course," Kate nodded, smiling as Ronnie took his tiny niece in one arm and finished his toast with his free hand.

"Look at them eyes," he commented. "Like little windows to the soul, them."

Reggie grinned and pulled on his jacket while Kate made up the bottle with her back to them. Ronnie glanced over at her a little warily, concerned that she might be unhappy about him holding the baby, but he was strangely relieved to see that her shoulders were relaxed and she was paying them no attention.

"Right Ronnie," Reggie quickly downed the last of his tea and slammed the cup down on the table, just as the sound of a car horn beeped outside. "Let's go before Albie has a fit wondering where we are. Kate, give us a kiss, love."

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