Happy Birthday (NSFW)- Eddie Brock x OFC

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"Morning baby."

Lauren turned to watch her boyfriend as he stumbled out of the bedroom, still half asleep. He was yawning and his hair was sticking up all over the place. He looked fucking adorable.

"Quick, somebody call Fox News; Eddie Brock is up before nine am," she teased, purring as he wrapped his arms around her and nipped at her neck playfully. His hands slipped underneath her shirt, cupping her breasts through her bra as his hot breath left goosebumps against her neck. "We don't have time for that now. Some of us don't have the luxury of working from home you know."

"But it's your birthday," Eddie murmured, sliding his hands beneath the waistband of her trousers. "I think it's pretty unfair you've gotta go to work on your birthday when you could be at home with me all day. We could go out to eat, go to the movies, take a walk. Sounds good, doesn't it?"

"Ha," Lauren chuckled, turning around to wrap her arms around his neck. "I think we both know that if I stayed home, we wouldn't do any of those things."

"Not my fault I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the universe, is it?" Eddie kissed her lips and nibbled at them.

"You said the girl from the movie we watched yesterday was the most beautiful girl in the universe."

"Ven," Eddie hissed, glaring at Venom who wrapped himself around her for a hug.

Happy Birthday, Lauren, Venom nuzzled his face against hers before removing himself from her.

"Thanks Ven," Lauren tickled his chin, making him rumble happily. She turned back to Eddie and raised her eyebrow. "Which girl would this be? And weren't you supposed to be working yesterday?"

"I..uh... I can explain," Eddie stammered, scratching his head awkwardly. "The movie I went to see was, uh, for work. Yeah, it was for work... for an article I'm writing."

"Is it titled 'I'm the world's worst liar and my girlfriend always knows when I'm lying because my ears twitch'?" Lauren smirked. "Relax Eddie. I ogle guys in movies all the time. Why do you think I keep wanting to watch Red Eye? It's not for the intense thrill. Well, it is but not in the way it was intended. Cillian Murphy can be a psychopath to me anytime. In fact, my downstairs area is kinda craving it if truth be told."

"Cillian Murphy? That guy?" Eddie pouted and crossed his arms. "So, am I not doing it for you then? You watch that movie and then get off pretending I'm him?"

Lauren burst out laughing and grabbed Eddie by the cheeks, kissing him loudly.

"Eddie Brock, you're the cutest fucking thing," she kissed him again. "I love when you're all jealous."

"I'm not jealous," he huffed nonchalantly.

"Ok," she smirked, reaching for her bag from the kitchen counter and quickly downing the last of her coffee. "Well, even though you're not jealous, I hope you know that you're the only one for me. I love you ridiculously. Even when you leave your dirty laundry all over the bathroom floor and put the empty milk carton back in the fridge."

Or don't put the toilet seat down, Venom chirped in.

"Ven, buddy, whose side are you on?" Eddie opened his hands incredulously.

Side? Venom was confused. I don't understand what you mean.

"Don't worry about it, Ven," Lauren grinned, kissing both of them on the cheek. "But I think on second thought I might love Venom even more than I love you, Eddie. Catch you later, guys."

Lauren could still hear Venom humming happily and Eddie grumbling sourly as she headed down the stairs to work. It was only when she got half way down the street that her phone beeped and she smiled when she read the text from Eddie;

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