If You Know What's Good For You (NSFW)- Ronnie Kray x OFC

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Olivia and Ronnie Kray had a bit of a thing going on. It wasn't exclusive and they had both agreed from the beginning that there would be no feelings involved. It was occasional sex and nothing more. But Olivia's heart was slowly betraying her because it was making her feel things for Ronnie that she swore to him she never would. So now she was left with two choices. She either stopped doing what she was doing with Ronnie, or she tried to close her heart off to him.

Which was why tonight Olivia found herself out on a date with another man... in Ronnie's club no less.

Martin Capello was handsome enough. In fact, he was very handsome and very sought after by a lot of girls she knew, and it was easy to see why. His jet black hair and olive skin spoke of his Italian roots and he was naturally charming. He was also funny and easy going; the total opposite in many ways to Ronnie.

Listening to Martin, Olivia tried to concentrate on the funny story he was telling her, but in the back of her mind all she could focus on was Ronnie. She could feel him staring at her from where he sat in his private booth. She could feel his piercing gaze and it was making her hot under the collar. She turned her head for a moment and when her eyes met with his, she could see them thundering dangerously. Beside him, she saw Teddy lean into his ear and whisper something and his hand disappeared beneath the table to touch Ronnie's thigh, and Olivia felt rather than heard Ronnie's growl and her breath caught in her throat subconsciously.

She stood up abruptly, startling Martin who frowned and asked if she was alright. She reassured him that she just desperately needed the toilet and that she would be right back. She scrambled away from the table hurriedly with her head down until she reached the bathroom which was mercifully empty. She set her handbag on the side and switched on the tap to cup some of the cold water and press it to her flushed face.

The door swung open and hit the wall with a loud bang. Glancing through the mirror, Olivia saw Ronnie staring back at her and the look in his eyes made her knees tremble with trepidation.

"This is the girls' toilet," she muttered, her voice croaking slightly. "You can't be in here."

"Well last I checked, this was my fucking club so I can be wherever I want," he grunted, closing the door and locking it with a key from his pocket.

Olivia swallowed nervously, licking her dry lips. She pulled the dark red lipstick from her handbag and with shaky fingers she began to apply it, trying her best to ignore Ronnie's footsteps as they came closer; walking with the slowness and precision of a predator stalking a much weaker prey. Her eyes met his once again when she felt the front of his body against her rear, and she could only watch helplessly when he reached up to touch her bottom lip with his thumb.

"This for your fella out there?" he murmured, watching in the mirror as he smeared the red across her mouth and down her chin.

She wanted to tell him no; to tell him that he was her only fella. She didn't want anyone else, she just wanted him. But she couldn't tell him that.

"Well, my red lipstick always looks so good on your cock, Ron," Olivia smirked with a lot more bravado than she felt. "And I suppose I'm curious to see if it will look just as good on his."

Olivia choked out a gasp when Ronnie's hand moved with a snake like reflex for her throat and he squeezed slightly, causing stars to dance before her eyes as his other hand slid down the front of her body until he could lift up the hem of her short dress and trace his fingers along the top of her underwear.

His eyes darkened even more than she thought possible when his hand slipped beneath her knickers and his fingers plunged inside of her agonisingly slowly.

"Well, I don't think it's really his cock you're thinking about right now, is it?" his breath was hot against her ear and her eyes almost fluttered shut when his thumb pressed against her clit. "'Cause he aint the one here making you cream in your knickers."

Olivia gripped hold of the sink desperately, trying to keep her legs from giving way beneath her as the only sound in the bathroom was the wet squelch of Ronnie's fingers fucking her without mercy. His hand around her throat loosened slightly and his eyes never left hers for a moment. Her lips parted in a silent moan when she felt her release close. Any second now and she was going to...

She actually whined when Ronnie took his hand away and stepped back from her. He brought his fingers to his lips and made a show of suckling on them hungrily while she tried to catch her breath and forced herself not to beg him to let her come.

"I'll give you exactly five minutes to make an excuse and get rid of that fella then Albie will drive you home by yourself, do you understand?"

"And if I say no?" Olivia's voice was wobbly.

"You won't," he narrowed his eyes at her. "Or at least you won't if you know what's good for you."

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