Chapter 1- Idiots.

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Samukta was stuck. Well, kidnapped and stuck. Well, it goes hand in hand.

He couldn't see anything, considering the thick fabric they tied around his eyes to block his vision. And he lost track of the road after the fifth turn. They made at least 500 more.

They were driving him away for an hour or two, Samukta did not keep count of it. And he passed out once or twice too, hoping this was all a nightmare and he would wake up to little birds chirping outside his bedroom window. (Not that he has ever woken up to them.)

Samukta wasn't the type to act dramatic when something tragic happens but right now, he really thought it would be the end.
He thought about how his parents wouldn't care much about his death but rather curse each other to death. He thought about how they would feel to lose both of their children.

And then, he thought about how he'll be able to see his sister again. If he died-

The car halts to a sudden stop and Samukta's head bumps hard on the door.

Kidnapped? Check. Concussed? Check.

The door of the van slides open and Samukta feels light filter in through the fabric wrapped around his eyes. Just when it does, Samukta starts struggling again, trying to break free from the strangling ropes tied around his wrists and ankles, cursing at the men in front of him— which basically comes out as a muffled mumble.

Cut to, the kidnappers throw him on the ground, maybe a bit gently, but they look threatening all the same.

Samukta tries to shout a few times, but fails miserably. With the building he's kept in, he doesn't doubt their privacy here. The walls are peeled off, some having huge gaps and holes between them. The paint had worn off, the bricks were visible. The roof was holding on for dear life. It looked like it would fall on top of them, if a person as much as coughed loudly.

Seeing Samukta struggling, the kidnapper, who kinda looks like the boss of them, laughs menacingly.

"Untie the knot. Let's see what the boy's got to say." He smiles devilishly.

Kidnapper no. 2, who has the worst smirk Samukta has witnessed in his entire existence, walks toward him and reaches for the rope tied around his hands-

"Not the hands, you Idiot! The mouth." The boss man hisses.
"Oh- Sorry, boss ji." The smirk-god looked embarrassed as he reached and untied the cloth wrapped around Samukta's mouth.

The cloth wasn't even completely taken off when Samukta shouted, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" He was furious. Of course he was, the boy had just been kidnapped. (And concussed).

"Your kidneys."

Horrification spread across Samukta's face,

"I'm joking. We don't want your ugly kidneys. Your parents can give us much more than that." He winks at Samukta.

"So, is this all for some ransom?" Samukta says in a bored tone. Honestly, he expected a bit of drama from all this.

"Some? Oh no, no. I'm gonna leave you stranded." He laughs manically.

Um, is he okay-

Samukta couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"How dare you roll your eyes at our boss?!" The smirk-god jerks forward and flies his hand across Samukta's cheek.


The sound echoed. All through the weird walls and all around the almost-falling-off roof. It echoed off, ricocheting from every surface. Samukta could feel anger rising in his veins. Furiousness, arrogance, anger and coldness spreading across his entire self.

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