Chapter 4: She

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"Hey! This is SoHee. Feeling better now?"
Jeongyeon receives a message

Jeongyeon just finished her ramen as her dinner in her tiny apartment.

"Hi! I'm glad you texted me. Yes a little better now. Drinking a cup of coffee." She replied and she smiled

Yes she has some casual acquaintances in her workplace but she doesn't consider them as her friends. Jeongyeon works as a staff and sales lady in a department store.

"That's good. It's my day-off tomorrow by the way. If you're free, we can hang out."

"Really?! I would love to.
I... I have no friends actually"

"Awwww really :( that's ok we can talk about it and we can talk everything tomorrow. I can be your friend right?"

"Yes of course! You were really nice to me and...
I kinda feel comfortable having you around"

"That's good to know. Send me your address and I'll come by your house lunch time tomorrow. See you?"

"Ok. see you, Han SoHee!"

"See you, Yoo Jeongyeon! 😉"

She feels weird but in a good way. From the moment that she saw her face in that hotel, she knew she could be trusted. She never felt this
way to anyone.

And just as she promised...she came by Jeongyeon's house at lunch time. She waited outside. Her apartment is just small -but its understandable cause she is just living alone.

"You live here alone?"
she asked when Jeongyeon is walking out and locking her door.

"Yeah and the landlord is a crazy monster.
Let's go!"

They both laughed and automatically held hands

"Where are you taking me?"
Jeongyeon curiously asked

"Ah somewhere no one can find us"

"Haha crazy!"

They went to a convenience store first to buy some food.

"As a cook do you eat junkfoods too eh?"
Jeongyeon curiously asked

"Ah of course! But not everyday."

"What's your favorite comfort food?"

"I really love just a simple ramen.
That's my go-to comfort food."

Jeongyeon's eyes glisten.

"Why? What about you?"

"Same. I got through a lot in life
with ramen by my side haha"

They just walked around then SoHee brought Jeongyeon to an abandoned building. Where just few teenage boys go skate. Only few brave people go there. Jeongyeon was surprised. She brought her to the rooftop. There was a broken sofa covered with a blanket and a big can filled with firewood for a makeshift fireplace. There's also a guitar. It's like somebody has set it up.

"Hey? Are we allowed here?"
Jeongyeon asked curiously while her eyes searches for the place and held on tight to her arms

SoHee laughed at her

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