Chapter 5: Movie

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"Sad News: No Part 2 for Nightingale.
Good News: 2Jeong Will Have
Their First Movie Ever!"

the headline reads

"F*cking sh*t!"
Jeongyeon irritatingly said as she then threw her phone away on her bed

She puts both hands on her face and made a tiny irritating scream as she then hurriedly opened her laptop and read her e-mails sent by her manager

She then called him


"Why should I agree to this?! You told me I can publicly tell my relationship after the drama series!" she irritatingly said

"Yes Jeongyeon, that was before when no movie was ever planned. Now you will have a movie and you must agree to the terms. Hey, this is big" her manager calmly said

"You didn't even warn me that there's going to be a movie. You could have at least told me! I was really shocked by the headline. I thought it was just a joke and I hope it stays as a joke"

"I'm sorry Jeong its the big bosses' decision. I have no power over that and you know it well right?"

she closed her eyes and bit her lips in dissappointment

"What if I say No?"
She rubbed her temple as she rolls her eyes as she was stressed out

"Jeongyeon? Are you prepared for the hate that you're gonna get?" her manager concerningly asked

she answered frankly; and straight to the point

"Aaahhh damn! I can't believe you! The big bosses will be mad! It was press released already. But... Don't you want the salary?"

Jeongyeon rethinks and was quiet for a moment.

"Hmmm..." (Damn it. If I get highly paid on this series what more if I do a movie?) she said in her thoughts

"Ok look, here's the deal: Just show up at the script reading and press conference tomorrow. And we'll talk together with the whole mangement and the big bosses of how things will turn out. Your signed contract hasn't still expired you know."

"Urgh! This is crazy. Ok fine. Whatever."
She ended the call

Felt defeated, her feminine side of clingyness and wanting attention and affection showed up so she took her phone and texted Jimin...but she was impatient so she immediately called Jimin.


Meanwhile at The Shilla:

"Boss... have you heard the news?"
Roger asked as Jimin was busy looking over his e-mails, hotel updates, staff and customer suggestions and feedback and preparing the monthly salaries.

"What news?"
his focus still on his computer

"2Jeong having a movie?"

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