14. The Jade Veilbloom

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"I'm sorry." Cora breathed out, shaking from exertion. "I just need a moment."

"We'll break here," shouted Draven to the rest of the team. Cora heard the annoyed sigh of Asena, who was in front of them as the rest of the team came to a halt.

Draven pulled out a packet from his bag of an unknown substance before ripping it with his teeth and pouring the powder into a canteen of water. "Here, drink this. It will help."

As she brought the chilled liquid to her lips, she took a long sip. A sweet and tangy flavour fell over her taste buds and after a few large gulps, she pulled the drink away, leaving a refreshing floral aftertaste in her mouth. Then, as if a bolt of lightning had flashed down from the sky and struck her body, she felt an electrifying surge of energy course through her body. Her arms and legs tingled with an extraordinary vitality, as if she could effortlessly navigate the jungle for weeks on end without the need for even a drop of water.

"What is this?" asked Cora, rising from the floor, no longer panting and breathing deeply.

"It's called Jade Veilbloom. A rare drink that provides a boost in energy." Draven pulled out another packet, ripping it open in a similar fashion and handing it to Cora. It appeared to be dried beef jerky.

"I think it provides more than a simple boost in energy," replied Cora, taking a bite out of the jerky.

"You'll feel the energy now, but the crash is going to be pretty bad. We don't have much choice, though. The drink will last until we make camp later tonight."

Great. On the one hand, she was feeling on top of the world, but on the other, he could have at least warned her before offering it. Then again, would she have even had a choice?

"Let's keep moving," said Draven, pulling the backpack up over his shoulder.

Cora continued to march alongside the team, her newfound energy propelling her forward with a renewed vitality. The dense jungle foliage seemed to blur past her as she effortlessly manoeuvred through the tangled vines and over fallen logs. Even the others struggled to keep up with her brisk pace, their bodies slowing down after trekking through the night.

To her disappointment, Draven easily matched her pace as he pushed forward with her, likely eager to get as much distance covered while her energy was at its peak. Asena tried to keep up with them, eager to stay by Draven's side, but eventually she started to fall back with a bewildered expression at Cora's sudden transformation.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the jungle, Cora couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant array of flora surrounding them. Lush ferns unfurled their delicate fronds, while exotic flowers bloomed in a riot of colours. It was as if the jungle itself had come alive, pulsating with an energy that mirrored her own.

The effects of the Jade Veilbloom drink intensified with each passing moment. Cora felt as though she could conquer any obstacle in her path. Her senses heightened and her mind clear and focused. She became acutely aware of the subtle sounds of the jungle, the distant calls of animals and the rustle of leaves in the wind.

Hours passed, and it was well into the night when Cora could feel a sense of exhaustion creeping in. As the effects of the drink gradually began to wane, Cora stumbled, her body tensing until suddenly she froze. A weight as heavy as a boulder pressed down on her shoulders and her knees buckled. The once exhilarating surge of energy was gone and Cora was left gasping for air.

Draven caught her body before it fell to the floor, picking her up off the ground and holding her gently in his arms.

"We'll camp here tonight," said Draven to the team, who were more than eager as they dropped their backpacks on the floor, leaning against trees and grabbing their water bottles.

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