[ MEME CHAPTER] bock dock coc-

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[Chad, Tara, Billy, and Anika GC]

Billy-great jobs guys

Anika changed the name to bock dock cock


Anika-bock dock co-

Billy-you are a bad bad child

Tara-step dad

Billy-i am adopting you call me dad


Billy-Yes child

Tara-can you buy us a group house so we have somewhere to stay cuz were planning a prank and we don't want to have to live in a box plus we know you net worth is like 6.mil

Billy-Yes tara



Chad-thanks for asking Tara now I don't have to worry :D

Billy-also since I'm buying the house you've gotta help me decorate and tell me about that prank

Tara-show us the house first

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