Lightness yells at Void

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Bill- If you all want to save your girls and kids then turn around and leave!

Malikai sighs in defeat: Fine, but we'll be back.

White whimpers in pain

Chuba looks: White! No!

He went over to her as she whimpers

Chuba: Wait, your not captured, the building piece fell on you! *as he lifts up the building part*

She whimpered

Chuba picks her up bridal style: Hang on honey, we'll get you to a medical center.

Malikai looked to the girls

Malikai: Don't worry girls, we'll be back and save you, I promise.

They sadly nodded

The heroes left*

Joanna: Please be okay Lyle....


Rudy: I'll rescue you babe, I promise.

Bonne smiled a little- i love it when you call me that

Rudy smiles and waved*

Bonne smiled & waved back .

Bill-alright boys ! Lets party !

With darkness...

They saw everything

Darkness: This is bad.

Void: Not to worry, on occasions like this, I put a forcefield around Toon town so Bill and his team won't leave Toon town.

Lightness- But we need to do something void !

Solaris: There is a weakness, we need the weapon of Ladybug's lucky charm, it's the only way to kill Bill.

Lightness gasped- No...

Solaris: What choice do we have. Rosy, you need to kill him.

Rosy is shocked-what ?!

Lightness- No ! No ! No i wont let you !

Solaris: We have no choice, but I assure you, Bill will be back to life from his hat.

Lightness- it doesnt matter ! He's my son !!

Darkness hugs her: Honey, if Solaris says it's true, then we must.

Lightness-no ! Its not his call to make ! He's only hurting !

Void: Lightness! Do you want the universe to be destroyed?!

Lightness glares at him with rage

Lightness- This is all your fault !!!

Void: Look I thought he was destroying the 7th galaxy!

Lightness- you lied to us he struck first ! You made all of us turn against him ! It was your doing ! He's gone mad with revenge because of you !!!

Lumina yells: It wasn't Bill that destroyed the galaxy! It was Void's third evil brother!!

Lightness- Dont you dare bring up that malevolent being ! And dont you dare side with him ! Theyr responsible for ruining my son !!!

Void: Lumina don't you dare mention my brother Evil. Lightness look, I thought it was Bill that nearly destroyed the 7th galaxy, but turns out Evil came to me and told me he framed him to get him out of the way. I had no choice but to lock him up in the evil forest region.

Tearing and filled with betrayed rage , lightness slapped him hard

Nega Death: Why didn't you tell us that we had a second uncle?!

Void rubs his cheek: I didn't want you to meet him, he would control you. If I would've told Bill the truth that it was Evil that framed him, he would've been mad. And I didn't mean to take out Bill's eye, you need to believe me. I felt like I was being controlled by someone, I thought it was my brother Evil.

Lightness- Are you trying to hav me relive my pain ?!

Void: I swear I wouldn't mean to hurt him. I just don't want Evil to have you as a mate slave!

Lightness is shocked*

Void: After Evil told me he wants you to be his slave forever, I got angry and I had to stop him.

God speaks gently

God: So you didn't mean to hurt him?

Void: Of course not God, I didn't mean to. If I told Bill the truth, he wouldn't believe me...

Lightness teared up-do you really think id easily forgive you ?

Void: I don't want Evil to rape you. I will make it up to Bill.

Solaris: Should we tell the heroes about Evil?

Void: And let them be in danger, no.

Lightness- eneme had to heal those couple years , god had to recover 1 whole year in a dream realm .and now I'm going to lose Bill again !!!

Darkness: I don't want to lose you from Evil! *hugs her having tears* I don't want to be separated from you, cause Solaris showed me my future, I was banished from my home so I wouldn't see you again.

Lightness- How many times did your children die void?! Because they didn't die as much as my three sons combined !

He froze

Void: I didn't want my kids to die... Cause if they die, I won't forgive myself.

Lightness-and you think killing my own is okay ?!

Void: I wouldn't do that! That was Eneme's doing on his revenge thing!

Eneme: It's true mom!

Lightness cries- I swear, after this , if Bill dies one last time ! I will never forgive you again !!!

She then stormed off angry and crying

Solaris: Let's go guys.

Void: Forgive me.... Nega Death, Vexa, Solaris, Ixis, Ifrit, come with me.

Enerjak: Can I come too?

Void: Sure.

Darkness, god, james & Eneme looked

Darkness: We're coming too.

Void: Nyx, you and your family wait here.

Nyx- Joy. Im a shadow again

Darkness: Oh alright sweetie, you can come too

Nyx- Finally.  

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