Waking up

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Smarty- Honey ? Please, you need to get out

Smarty kisses her, Savy is waking up*

They gasped

Savy wakes up: Huh? *Looks at Smarty* Ah! Stay away from me Bill!

Smarty-no no no honey its me ! Im me again !

Savy: How do I know your not being controlled by Bill?

Smarty-look at my eyes

Savy looks at him*

His eyes are normal

Savy cries Happily: Smarty! It is you! *hugs him*

Smarty hugs her back

Malikai: Now Savy how did this happen?

Savy has tears: Bill tricked me, he controlled Smarty and made him break the rift.

Smarty-yeah. Uh duuuuh !

Tigs: Oh Bill is going to get it!

Malikai: So you ready to wake up now?

Savy: Yes, I want to get Bill back for tricking me.

Arabella-but Bill's our friend !

Malikai: Did you hear what he said that hurt me? He said we're not really his friends. I tried my best to be a good friend to him, but I failed him.

Smarty- So you gave up on him

Malikai: But for Arabella, I'll try to win my friendship with Bill again.

Arabella- I don't wanna be a sister of a quitter !

Malikai: Sis, remember the unicorn seal?

Arabella-yeah ?

Malikai: I promise you that

Arabella-eee !

Jason disagrees

Jason: Okay I'm tired of being in this dream now, can we wake up now?

Cresselia appeared

Savy surprised: Cresselia?!

Cresselia smiled nodding

Savy pets her*

She smiled

Malikai: We're ready to wake up Cresselia.

Cresselia bellowed and shines bright

They woke up from the dream*

Wheezy smiles: Morning babe.

Spike: Hey babe, had fun in dream land?

Jenny blushed- How do you know ?

Spike: Get the feeling you might be.

The babies hugged her*

Jenny-oh !

The pets hug Savy and Smarty*

Arabella- She killed grimace & his brainwashing shake !

Spike: She did? Awesome!

Jenny- Huh ?

Spike: You are hardcore babe.

Jenny blushes- Awww baby

They look and see Cresselia

The babies are amazed of Cresselia*

Thd gods wemt to her

Eneme: Good work Cresselia.

she bellows

Xandred and One eye came back*

They look

Tops: Grandma! *hugs her* You're okay!

Jason: Are you hurt?

One eye-no babies im unharmed

Jason: That's a relief.

Crystal has tears*

Wheezy: Honey, what's wrong?

Crystal- I miss him...

Wheezy: Miss who?

Crzstal- My brother

Wheezy: You have a brother? Why didn't you tell me?

Crystal- Because everytime i thought of him the pain of losing him gets worse

Maisie feels bad for her: Hey don't be sad Crystal, we'll help you find him.

She looks at her

Crystal- really ?

Wheezy: Yeah, he may be alive somewhere around the world, and we'll find him

Crystal smiled & hugged him cresselia prepared to leave

Jason: Oh Cresselia, can I have a new feather incase we need you again?

She looks

Jason: Please?

She smiled and fluffed off two feathers from her veil like wings

Jason grabs the feathers: Thank you.

She smiled and bellowed as she disappeared

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