In the castle

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Jenny-i told you he wasn't real

Blitzo-jenny !

Jenny- Don't Jenny me ! Bills playing games with us !

Morty: It looks real to me.

Jenny- are you stupid ! Bills a dream demon dummy !

Morty: Oh....

Jenny- Oh is right ! Youre so stupid

Morty: No comment.

They went in the castle*

Smarty- Please dont be a game

Maisie sniffs: Nope, nothing so far.

Smarty looks

Morty looks behind him and is shocked*

Morty: G-g-g-g-g-g- Guys?


Morty: Behind you.

They looked

It was Grimace with his shake*

Arabella looks and screamed loudly in fear

Tops screams: It's Grimace!!!!

Arabella- My nightmare came true !!!

She punched tops and ran off screaming

Tops runs with her screaming*

Maisie growls: I'm dealing with him.

Smarty & Jenny- I hate that fucking mascot...

Maisie: Hey Jenny. *tosses wolverine claw glove to her* Want to help me kill this guy?

Jenny smirks- Oh yes

They started to attack Grimace*

Scappy shocked: Whoa....

Blitzo's eyes sparkled*

Smarty- Imagine spike seeing this

Blitzo: I'm so proud of Maisie!

They watch

Maisie and Jenny finished killing Grimace*

Jenny- Yes!

Maisie: Hell yeah!!

Jenny- boom !!

Maisie: Okay, let's continue guys.

Malikai: Now where's Tops and Arabella?

With them...

They run screaming until they made it to the royal bedroom*

Arabella- Ok. Well be safe in here

???: So if Charming doesn't work out, then we'll let Savy be married to Drake.

???: Brother in law, I'm not sure I agree with that.

Tops- Huh ? 

Arabella- Who said that ?

They see Savy sleeping on the bed with the dream cloud above her, it was Tony talking to someone*

Arabella- Huh ?

Tops: Who's that?

???: Bro in law, we need that money, but your daughter Savy decided to be generous by giving the poor people money!

Arabella- What is that voice ?

Tops: Sounded like Moxxie but, meaner.

Arabella-sounds like an italian mobster

Tops shocked: Italian mobster?!

The others looked for them*

Smarty- Guys ? Tops !

Malikai looks: There you two are!

Arabella- Ah !

Malikai: Where have you two been?

Arabella- youre mean

Malikai: After this is over, I'm putting a unicorn horn on Chubby's head for you.

She gasped happily squealin

???: Oh don't back talk me bro. Who decided to make Family reunion day? I did. And who decides to make your children in arranged marriages. Me.

Smarty-what ?

???: I'm I'm going to teach your daughter how to be a killer like me Tony.

Tony: Bro in law, you can't do this!

???: Oh yes I can, and if Charles and Shaw can't make her kill something, then I will. So let her marry Charming, but if it fails, then make her marry Drake, I need that money someday.

Issac: Wait, that voice.

Sash smirks-that voice is hot~

Vincent: Wait... That's.

Issac, Vincent and Zack: Crimson!!

Smarty- Who ?

Zack: Moxxie's dad.

Smarty- so you lied

Zack: No.... All this time... Dad didn't plan the arranged marriages... It was Crimson?

Issac: Oh that son of a bitch!

Sash- He sounds hotter than you issac

Issac looks at her deadplanned: Well you should be careful, he is a deadly mobster.

Savy has tears in her sleep*

Smarty noticed

Sash- Youre just jealous he doesnt sound wimpy

Issac gasped

Issac: Well you wouldn't believe who he tried to arrange marriage me with.

Sash-who ?

Issac shows a picture: This ugly alien girl princess that gave me a nightmare!

Sash- Jesus christ ! Well at least it wasn't jennica

Issac: Yeah, now you know why I hate Crimson?

Sash- I know he's bad at arranging and you lied about him once

Issac: Lied? We don't talk about Crimson. And we didn't tell you about him.

Zack: Never.

Maisie looks: We should wake Savy now, she's crying.

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