Bill and his friends can't escape

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With the others

They are eating at the food court*

Crystal- Any sign yet ?

Malikai: No sign of him yet.

Crystal-we cant stay here and have him think he won

Malikai: So what do you think we do? We don't have a plan to enter his castle.

Maisie: How about Dad use the horse miraculous?

Tanner: Well we need a smarter way instead of being turned into a statue instantly.

Jenny-we cant hide here dumbass ! They'll find us !

Husk: Ow! Tanner, Tell your dinosaur to stop biting my tail and dragging me!

Teresa- Babe !

Husk: Why is he dragging me!

Tanner: He wants to play with you.

Husk: Well he thinks I'm a bone! And he's chewing on my tail!

Jenny is stressed out

Spike hugs her*

Jenny-we should be doing something !

Malikai: Well what's the plan how to stop him?

???: We know how.

They look

It was Void, Darkness and their kids*

Crystal- Where the hell were you?!

Void: Had a talk with Lightness. She's upset right now.

Solaris: We know how to stop Bill.

Maisie-how ?

Solaris: We need to kill him with Ladybug's lucky charm.

All-what ?!

Malikai: Kill him?! Why?!

Solaris: Remember how Nowhere king has that same feeling of getting worse sick thing, well Bill has it. Bill was effected by Nowhere king after Nowhere king was killed.

Vexa- Also he's pissed at daddy

Malikai: Figures, wait, how did Bill get infected by Nowhere king?

Void: It happened in the battle.

Vexa- He's just angry okay !

Void pets her head: Yes sweetie.

She smiles

Tigs: Okay but what if Bill leaves Earth?

Void: That won't be a problem.

Jenny-if not

Solaris: In 25 minutes, he's going to realize it soon.

Back at Bill's castle*

The villains party hard while totodile and rudy jr are in small cages, and so are the kids & babies , the girls are chained up as slaves

Joanna looks: Don't be scared Totodile, mommy's okay.

Bonne pets rudy jr- What are we going to do jo ? Were doomed

Fanny- It's ok sweetheart everythings ok

Atomic skull: This is fun!

The red and magma orange lava lamp guy with a bowler hat sees Bonne

Lava lamp guy: Hey baby.

Bonme looks

Lava lamp guy: Want to hang out?

Bonne- i cant

Lava lamp guy: Why not?

Bonne- 1: im a slave 2: i have a lover already

Lava lamp guy: We'll see about that baby.

Bill: Okay guys, time to take over the universe!

They cheered

His friends went in the sky*

Bill: I can't wait for this to happen.

Then suddenly his friends bumped into something in the sky and fell down*

Bill touched the force field: what ?!

Keyhole: What happened?!

Bill- Void... That's what happened ! That bastard !

Joanna looks: They can't get out.

The girls looked

Pink misses blue and sharon cries

Fanny: Don't worry girls, our lovers will save us.

In Sanders room...

One eye tries to get the chain off her neck

Sanders: Now don't worry my dear, I'm going to get something to eat, then we will begin.

One eye-you cretin !

Sanders: Xandred will never find you.

One eye-yes he will !

He grabbed her face

Sanders: How will he?

One eye- He'll find a way...

He speaks

Sanders: We'll see about that my dear, I'll be back. *as he left*

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