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"Dad, see this!!" Ploy said while flaunting her drawing to Ae. They were seated in front of the television and Ae was watching over Ploy who was busy drawing something. Pete had restricted her from watching too much television and as a result the little girl was indulging herself in drawing and other activities. "That's beautiful!!" Ae complimented while looking at the painting.

"This is me, this is you and this is por!!" the little girl said while pointing at the figures on the sheet. Though the drawing was not the one done by the great artist, it still held a deep meaning for the one who was looking at it.

"Ploy, are you done? I am bringing the dinner!" Pete shouted from the kitchen as he grabbed the tray and began to walk out. Ae and Ploy hastily cleared the table allowing Pete to place the tray on the table. Ploy quickly put the things together and carried them back to her room to place them neatly on her little study table. Pete made sure to teach her all the things that were necessary in order to keep her neat and tidy.

"She really follows everything that you have taught!" Ae commented. "It's better. When she grows up, she will be used to doing everything by herself." Pete spoke as he placed the plate in front of Ae. "This smells delicious." Ae commented while looking at the food. "Thanks..." Pete replied while smiling.

Ploy returned back to the table and sat down. Before beginning with her dinner, she recited prayer and then she was soon seen munching on her food. "Dad, do you know, tomorrow we are having parent's meeting in school." Ploy informed. "Yes... They are having the meeting tomorrow so I will be going there. Will be late for work." Pete informed. "Oh... I am coming too then." Ae replied.

"Ae, it's not necessary. I can attend it. Besides, you must be having work too." Pete tried to deny. "Nothing is more important than both of you. Also, I need to know about everything that happens in Ploy's life. I don't want to be a bad father." Ae spoke. "Ae, it's not that simple." Pete spoke while gesturing to Ploy to let Ae know that they need to discuss about this later.

Ae understood that Pete wanted to speak about something important in this matter and changed the subject so that Ploy will not dwell on it. "Princess, did Ar'Pond tease you again?" Ae asked. "No dad!! He is being nice to me now." Ploy replied. If only she knew what her 'dad' has done to make the handsome ghost shut his mouth.

They finished dinner and Pete moved to clean the table while Ae accompanied Ploy to her bed. He was reading her a story when she felt asleep. He tucked her under the blankets before he turned off the lights and walked out of the room searching for Pete who was busy in kitchen. Hearing the sound of cluttering of spoon, Ae walked into the kitchen to see that Pete was putting everything back in place.

He stepped forward enveloping his arms around Pete's waist and resting his chin on Pete's shoulder. "Tired?" he asked. Pete leaned into the embrace, sighing heavily. "Hmmm..." he replied placing his hands over Ae's. "Come, let's sit and talk." Ae suggested while loosening his grip and pulling Pete out of the kitchen.

They settled on the small sofa and Ae moved to start the conversation. "So.. about the meeting..." Ae spoke. "Hmmm... Ae, you know that I have been a single parent and it's just recent that you have come in our life. All these years, it was just me who had been looking after Ploy. And earlier, she always thought of you to be uncle but suddenly, she agreed upon calling you dad but it doesn't make everything work. In the outside world, I am still a single parent who is unmarried. You coming to school and Ploy suddenly calling you father in front of all will look a bit odd." Pete put forth.

"I can understand your concern... But I already told you that I want to be with you and not only just you but Ploy too. I want to be there for her all the time." Ae spoke. "I can understand Ae. But try to think from my point of view. We have just began to date. And all this is new. We are not even engaged or married for you to show up claiming to be Ploy's father. It will not be good for your reputation either since people will start gossiping." Pete stated.

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