im sorry..

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Y/n" I'm sorry.."

O" for what? Making me think you loved me!?" He said

Y/n" I do love you Oliver! I really do I didn't think it through before saying yes to be part of this prank!"

O" you could of said let me think this through first ty and then I'll answer but no! Miss y/n didn't she just said yes"

Y/n" but Oliver I do love you! Alot! I wanted to say skie it's not a prank I love Oliver! But I couldn't once you left I couldn't say anything and you wouldn't let me into your room so I just stayed quiet."

O" you could of said I want to talk not Oliver! Please open up!"

Y/n" I know your feelings are hurt Oliver but your hurting mine-"

O" your hurt my feelings! You- you played with me! And now your saying this! *chuckles* I don't care if I hurt your feelings y/n you hurt mine badly...don't talk to me ...until I want you to talk to me.." he said closing his door on you. You just stood there thinking of things he said and he was right you felt like a idiot and went to your room. Justin went to your room and to comfort you then Oliver walked in on you. Justin and you were hugging or cuddling as you cried. Oliver just gave up on you at that point.

A few weeks later you left the group. Every time you walked into a room you felt everyone eyes on you and your social anxiety was killing you and your depression didn't help so you just left

Oliver started regretting as justin told him the thing you said about him all nice things justin said he wasn't making out with y/n he was comforting you. If months had passed like 9 months.

An even shorter chapter then the last on but that's okay I'm still thinking of what to do for the next chapter.  But thank you guys for 13 readessssss

339 words

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