"I quit-" .."No"..

59 4 5

(This chapter will have two parts)

J."Let's get you home, okay?"

RG."We're so Y/N."

RY."Yea, sorry."

Justin had given an update about...that night, now knowing about your depression you've been suffering on for 3 years now and your panic attacks. And you getting drunk on wine or getting high.

Sebastian started to feel bad, but I didn't soften him up. He was still very mad at you. The person he thought would make his brother happy and not.. Sad and broken, did that. It wasn't even on purpose. IT makes him extremely mad. Knowing he really doesn't have a reason to be at you just the point that you cheated, you can't even count it as a point because it wasn't even intentional.

Most of the boys said bye.

Justin drove you to your apartment.

You led him inside. It would be the first time he would see your roommate.

(Yall...give me a name for this roommate, I can't THINK OF ONEEE)

"Didn't know you were bringing someone, would've cooked for three." He said

Justin felt the anger rise in him but stayed calm.

J."Don't worry, I don't plan on staying." He said, looking at you.

J." If you need me, call me, and I'll come here as fast as I can, okay?" He said. You gave him a small nod.

After Justin left,you walked to your roommate and hugged him.

He was a little shocked from suddenness. But he returned your embrace. You knew he messed up, and you felt it.

Y/n." I forgive you.." you said, rubbing his back. He stayed quiet, then you felt him hug you tighter, soft sobbing..

"I thought you would kick me out.. when I realized what I did, I was sober.."

Y/n."Me too.."

You stayed like this for a while..

After you both felt better, you ate the food.

Y/n." This is good," you said, slurping the spaghetti. Your roommate watched you from the other side of the counter.

"I'm, glad you like it." He smiled.

Then you got a call. You graded your phone.  And lokked at the name..

It said..

💫❤️𝑀𝑦 𝑂𝑙𝑖❤️💫

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