lets spend time together!

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Next fucking morning. You didn't want to wake up Orr get up but you had to. You hot up brushed your teeth did your hair and makeup and changed you clothes. You made breakfast and went to yours roommate room and placed a cuk of water and the breakfast on his desk and look at him before walking out. Sleeping like a bear hibernating. You knew he wasn't a morning person and you weren't ether but here you are getting ready. You sigh and locked the apartment. You took your pills and went to Oliver's apartment and knocked on the door. Sebastian opened it looking like he just woke up

S" hey y/n come in its cold outside" he said opening the door fully so could go inside.

S" what are you doing here so early?" He asked
Taking a sip of his coffee he made

Y/n" Huh? It's 7:50. It's nor that early" you said

S"thats very early" he said

Y/n" you like gela right saw you guys made out huh?" You said which caught him by surprise

S" what-" he said the stopped as Oliver walked out of his room in his boxers (gela was at her apartment btw). Oliver graded his coffee and sat next to Sebastian. You were wearing a crop top and a mini skirt and some doc Martin with some leg warmers your crop top was very revealing. Oliver looked at you realizing it was you who was in front of him and Sebastian.

S" you looed shocked oliver"

O" I'm not just didn't expect that"

Y/n" morning"

O" morning. Why are you here?"

Y/n"idk to start the morning"

O and s" with us awwww"

Y/n" nvm I'm leaving" you said getting up. Your and Sebastian were very close before you and Oliver and justin started datting you guys became close because you had alot in common so you both became literally besties.

Oliver and Sebastian got in your way so you wouldn't leave. You smirked and sat back down.

O" let's get ready" he said looking at Sebastian.

Sebastian went to his room and Oliver went to his and they were both ready. To day Sebastian and Oliver would spend they're say with you. Sebastian wanted to spend time with you because he literally spends everyday with gela. (I love her alr) and he hasn't spend so much time with you. Oliver looked at you as you fixed your hair a little and graded you jacket and zipped up only showing the stop of your crop top. He went over to you and huged you from behind and he laughed.

Y/n" JESUS CHRIS- oliver! You scared the shot out of me" he continued laughing

Y/n" hey seb"

S" I'm looking better then my brother right?"

Y/n" nah

S" your only saying that bc he's you're boyfriend"

Y/n" no I'm just being honest"

S" yea sure"

Y/n" little boy if you don't get your sarcasm outta here I will"

S" yes ma'am" he said and Oliver laughed

O" your like his mom rn"

Y/n " bc I am and you fix yo hair " you said shoing him away to fix his hair

O"yes ma'am" he said going to his room"

Sebastian chuckled

S" where should we go?"

Y/n" park? Or we could do a movie night tonight you can invite gela if you want"

S" movie night sounds fun and yea I'll invite her"

We're Ment To Be Together [Oliver Moy X Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon