wanna get drunk n nasty sat 21👑

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Wanna get drunk n nasty Saturday 🏆21👑

As 45 golden colored concert venues lights shines down over our drunk n sober bodies laying down inside of Madison square garden clean floors .

Girlfriends and i all getting up from our drunk and sleepy boyfriends n husbands arms heading into 45 different concert venues bathrooms .

Stripping off dirty party dresses from last week ago n undergarments and shoes on floors .

Already in the showers and pulled back different artists graphic shower curtains lathers our bodies in gold body washes .

Like magno gold exclusive body wash , dial gold moisturizer body wash x dettol gold classic body wash x bath and body works gingham heart of gold and gold sugar by aquolia prampering body wash and Nevin  Morgan 11oz gold body wash .

Soapy all over our bodies while different artists graphic wash up rags rubs body washes in between our inner thighs and pussies .

Behind upper backs and lower backs n in between ass cheeks middle part of our backs .

Over our earlobes and sides of necks and middle of chests n belly buttons .

Top of foreheads and over chins .

Washes rest of our bodies while getting rinses off twice right now .

The grid pulled down over finished drained n steps over edge of tubs .

On different artists graphic shower carpets n then wrapping up in .

Dry off towels of our favorite artists and then over by sinks brushes our teeth and tongues .

Pulling down inside professional makeup artists gold colored chairs .

First step they wipes away germs and bacteria over entire faces n water .

Second step opening different makeup plattes scattered all over the gold colored tables and brushes .

Third step finds our makeup shades in different name brands makeup plattes .

Fourth step found our makeup shades dabs and brushes over our cheekbones and sides of noses .

Fifth step colored over left and right eyelids making them dazzle .

Sixth step finds different shades of blush over our cheekbones .

Seventh step gold shades over our eyelids and then mascara like Maybelline and cover girl making them eyelashes pop and pretty .

Eight step finds different makeup settings sprays sparkling gold colored glitters over entire faces .

Ninth step getting our hairs done st the hair salon getting washed and conditioner and shampoos .

Tenth step getting blowdrying and then curly iron and flatiron and straightener by different curling irons and flat irons n hair straighteners .

Eleventh step cease our scalps with Creme natural pure honey hair masks .

Twelve step was our finished gold makeup looks only doing few cause wattpad has a limit .

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