The challenge

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Marinette's pov

I was setting in the back of class brawly paying attention to the teacher. I have been setting in the back for a couple of mouths now, ever since Lie-la got back she turned almost every one agent me. The only ones that don't believe lie-la are Chloe, Nino, Rose, and Julika and Adrine but he told me to take the high road, and everything will come out in time. Nino broke up with Alya about two months after Lie-la returned to school. Cause she would rather believe Lie-la then her best friend.

Miss Buster announce that Tony Stark is having a worldwide challenge and the winner would get to go to New York for two mouths and see how everything over there. the winner will also get to take two friends with them. the challenge was who can build the best model for the next Avengers compound, and it is due by the end of the week.  I got very excited cause then if I won i could get away from lie-la for two mouths.

after school

"Hey, Mari you going to do the challenge." Chloe asked me. "Is that even a question." The laughed at the sarcasm that happens between them. "What are you laughing at laughing girls." Nino asked as he walked up to us. "Oh, just at how I gave a sarcastic remark to your girlfriend." Chloe gave a little blush then ask. "If you win, who are you are going to take you?" I thought for a moment then jokingly side. "Mm maybe Luka and Kagame." I then did a little chuckled. " I'm joking it's going to be you two of course." My two best friends sighed in relief that I wasn't going to leave them with lie-la. "While I better get home and start on the designing."  when I got home, I told my mom about the challenge. "T-Tony Stark" My mom said back. "Yeah, are you okay mom" she just got up from the couch and motioned for me to fallow her. 

When we got to her room, she got a box down from the top of her closet. "I meat tony about 17 years ago. We were so in love but then he had to go back to America After almost two years of us being together, and a year after you were born." She showed me a picture of her tony and my as a baby. "So, he is my dad." She nodes and hands the photo to me. " You cannot tell anyone, If you win then you can tell the ones you are taking with you ok" I just nod. "Can I take this with me" I ask wonting something on me to remember. "Yes, you can, now go start you project." i get up and go up to my room to start me project. 

two weeks later

" EVERYBODY, I have the winner of the tony stark challenge." Miss Buster calls out. we all look up exuded to see who wins. "The winner is Marinette Chang-Stark." She looked up at me. "Congregates Marinette, who will you be taking with you" everyone looked up at me. "Um can I tell you after lunch." she nodes and begins the lessen. Chloe leans over to me and says, " I thought you already knew who you were taking with you" I just simply replied with " I do I just want to see want everyone does." she just giggled and we both payed attention to the teacher.

at lunch

"Hey girl how have you been" Alya says raping an arm around me. "I'm sorry when did you start talking to me again." She looked shocked and just said. "What are you talk about we talk every day." I just scoffed "We have not talked snice you and Nino brock up now back off." I walk over to the table that Nino and Chloe were sitting at. "Alya just tried to get me to say she's coming with me, but it will never happen." Then Julika and Rose came over. they set with us sometimes, so it was no big deal. "So let me guess you are taking these two with you Marinette." Rose asked. "You know me so will Rose." we all laughed and talked for the rest of lunch.

We all get back to class and Miss.Buster asked me who I was taking to New York with me. Everyone looked at me then to Alya thinking I was going to take her. "I am going to take Chloe and Nino." She nodded. "Okay you three will be leaving tomorrow at 5am so you are dismissed to go pack." Us three got up and walked out of the school. "Ok meat up at my house at 4 so we all can go to the airport together." I said and we went the separate ways.

4 o'clock

I heard a knock at the door and then I heard my mom yell that Chloe and Nino are here. They came up to my room and put their bags by the trapped door. "I have to tell you guys something." they looked at me with a bit of casern. I grabbed the photo of me, my mom, and Tony. "Tony Stark is my real dad." I show them the picture. "That... IS SO COOL" Chloe then jumped on me hugging so very tight. We talked for hours then we finally decided to go to bed. "Night guys." i tell them and they say night to.


they still have not defeated Hawkmoth.

will goodbye<3<3<3<3<3

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