the plan

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Chloe's pov

"THATS IT" I yell. "what's it" Nino asked. "Bruse are there cameras in the living area." "Umm, yeah there are why?" I start telling them all my plan and they all thought it was a great idea. we go back to the living area, and I pull up my laptop. I hit the call button and start calling Mari's mom. "Why are you calling my mom Chlo?" " You will see." just then Sabine picks up. " Hi Chlo- is that Tony." Chloe looked behind her then back at the camera. "Yes, it is but you can talk later I need to ask you something." Sabine looked confused at what was going on. " So, in just the few minutes of us being here both me and Nino can see that she is a lot happier, and wait do you know what has been happening at school?" I ask and I can tell how Mari stop moving that she has not told her mom. "No, she hasn't? what goes on at school?" I turn to Mari. "You seriously have told you mom about you getting bullied." I saw the look of sadness come over Mari then her try to push it down. "Hey, hey, hey we are not in Pairs you don't have to do that remember." She then just breaks down crying. 

Tony had a confused look on his face. Then Thor walked (more like run) into the room. "Does her pushing down her sadness have to do with the butterfly miracules" he asked me. " How- how do you know about them." I asked. "Master Fu said that gods and goddess know about them for reasons but yes, Chlo you've been akumitzed more than me and Nino did you recognized his voice." I was shocked to hear Mari clam down so fast and thought for a minute to see if did. "Shit!" I say when I fingered out who the voice belongs to. "Wait did you finger it out, Chlo- Chloe- CHLOE!" I was still in shocked from who it was that I didn't hear Mari trying to get my attention. "BABE, BABE ARE YOU OK" I finally snaped out of my trans and truned to the computer that Mari's mom was still on. " We- we'll call you back Ms. Chang." I tell her and then and the video call. 

 "We need to get Adrine out of that house NOW." Mari and Nino looked confused for a second before realizing what I meant by getting him out of that house. Mari shoots up and run to the miracles box. She grabs the horse miracles and puts them on. " What is going on? What is going on in Paris? What are Miracles? How does Thor know what they are?" Tony kept asking questions. "WE WILL TELL YOU WHEN WE GET BACK, ok now stop asking questions." then all of the Kwami's came flying out of the box. "STEVE IS THAT YOU" the dog Kwami named Barkk yelled. Mari turned to look at him. "You had a miracles Cap?" Barkk went flying over to caption America and gave him a hug. "Here you might need this" Marinette said give cap Barkk's Miracles. "Now let's get going and sorry Bruse but it is properly best if you stay here." Bruse just nodes at Marinette and we transformed.


thank you all bye

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