15 - Happy Now

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TW- abuse

I sit down on the tree, trying- and failing- to suppress a smile. We got it. We did the kick together without falling. Three times. It was amazing. Robby sits down next to me, grinning.

"You have to admit, we're pretty good," he says. My smile widens. Okay, he's not wrong.

"We are pretty good," I admit. Once we figured out that missing piece, it's like everything fell into place.

"Still wondering how you managed to almost do it first time though," he says. My face burns.

"'Almost', I definitely had it, and then someone, I won't name names, had to pull me off the tree," I say, skimming right past his comment. He shakes his head, still grinning.

"Potato, potahto, 'almost', 'pulled you off the tree'," Robby jokes, "we should probably find Mr LaRusso though so we can tell him we did it."

"Good idea," I say, and we both hop off the tree to track down Mr LaRusso.

We walk in an easy silence, though the sounds around us compensate for it. All the bugs and birds making noise kind of reminds me of nights in Puerto Rico, with the crickets and coquis and various birds. Sometimes I miss it. It's like having a built in white noise machine. When we first moved to France, it was definitely a big adjustment, along with- you know- having to learn a whole new language. Luckily, our mamá had already taught us some basic phrases, and I picked it up quickly after that. It was the same with English, except reading my favorite Shakespeare stories helped with that too. Sometimes I miss both places... but then I remember why we left... and suddenly I'm glad we did.

"So... what really happened to your hands?" Robby asks as we wander through the forest. My muscles tense up and my stomach sinks a little.

"Like I told Mr LaRusso, I wrapped them in preparation for what we were doing today," I say lightly, though I keep my focus forward.

"Is that why you've been wincing every time you curl your hands into fists?" he asks. Heat rushes into my ears. I'm lucky I'm not pale... and he picked up on that?

"I haven't been wincing," I deny, continuing to walk. He holds out an arm, stopping me before leaning in close.

"I watch you, Renée," he says, voice low and quiet, his eyes piercing into my soul, "I know you've been wincing. And I know something is wrong with your hands. You just don't want anyone to worry about you."

"I taped them a little funny, it's been pinching and pulling at my skin whenever I have to curl my fingers, which isn't particularly pleasant," I say, leaning in a little closer, even though it makes my stomach lurch with fear, to feign confidence and therefore get him off my case, "happy now?"

His eyes flick away from mine for a moment, before returning, the reestablishment of eye contact causing more of my face to go red hot.

"Very," he responds.

"Bueno," I hold eye contact for a moment longer, letting his eyes linger on mine for just another second, then turn away, starting on the overgrown trail once more. Mon Dieu, ay de mi, I hate lying to people... so it's a little strange that I've been doing it a lot lately... I just don't know how to work out everything that's going on right now. And now I'm making it worse. Ay caramba, I'm ruining my own life... I have to tell Mr LaRusso the truth... if he asks, I'll tell him the truth... and soon- maybe after the All Valley- I'll work things out. I'll tell the truth to Sensei and Miguel and Mr LaRusso and Robby and fix everything after it breaks. I'll make things right, I will, I have to... I just need a little more time...

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