Chapter 11 - 🍋Frantic Touch🍋

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In the tender embrace, Satō and Izuku's lips engaged in a deliberate and passionate dance. The soft texture of her lips tantalized his senses, each kiss leaving a lingering taste that sparked warmth within him. Their tongues entwined, creating an electrifying connection that transcended the physical act.

Entranced by Satō's unique fragrance, Izuku felt the moment become a sensory journey. The embrace wasn't merely physical; it cocooned him in safety and desire, leaving him both protected and yearning for more.

Within the depths of their kiss, Satō's heartbeat resonated with a steady cadence, synchronizing with his own. It felt as if their hearts were orchestrating a silent symphony, an unspoken language of connection beyond the physical touch.

The world faded away as they embraced, lost in the shared euphoria of the moment. Satō's hands moved with purpose, conveying both passion and possession.

Their dance of desire, a choreography of love, left Izuku breathless and craving more. As they parted, a trail of sensations lingered—a mix of Satō's taste, the warmth of their connection, and the echo of their shared heartbeat.

Breaking the silence, Satō whispered, "My sweet Izuku, you're the sugar in my veins, the melody in my heart. Every beat belongs to you, and every breath whispers your name. No one will ever taste the sweetness of your love but me, and I'll guard it fiercely, my darling, for you are mine and mine alone. I'll protect you; you're my sweet, happy sugar life."

Izuku vividly recalls her words, the soft touch of her tongue, and the sensation of oxygen escaping his body. As he lies in bed, the memory echoes like a haunting melody, a symphony of emotions resonating in his soul.

Reflecting on that moment, Izuku's face flushes red. Satō's influence on him is undeniable, leaving an indelible mark.

Observing Satō's interactions, particularly with others like Yuno, Junko, Mikan, Maki, and Junko's sister, Izuku senses a subtle possessiveness beneath her charming facade.

Satō's mood oscillates between endearing and unsettling, creating a delicate balance that sends shivers down Izuku's spine while sounding deceptively sweet.

This enigma leaves Izuku in a state of confusion about his understanding of women. His desire to be the best for Satō extends to the other girls he genuinely cares about.

Noticing the progress in his relationships with Mikan, Maki, Junko, and her sister, Izuku is both pleased and puzzled. The bonds he formed, especially comforting Mikan during her struggles at UA High, add warmth to his experiences.

Details about Mikan's presence in class and collaboration with Recovery Girl bring a smile to Izuku's face. 

Reflecting on the unexpected joy he feels for Mikan's successes and the newfound friendships with Satō, Yuno, Maki, and the Enoshima sisters, Izuku chuckles to himself.

However, Satō's presence still lingers in his mind. 

As he contemplates, a knock on his bedroom door interrupts his thoughts. 

Opening it, Inko smiles sweetly, holding freshly baked sweets.

Inko beamed at Izuku, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Izuku, could you do me a favor? Take these freshly baked sweets to our new neighbor," she said, handing him a basket filled with delicious treats. "A small gesture can mean a lot, especially to someone who might be feeling a bit lonely in a new place."

Surprised by the news of a new neighbor, Izuku took the basket, a curious expression on his face. Inko noticed his confusion and explained that the neighbor had recently moved in from the floor above, the very first door on the left.

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